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GoPro Care Replacement Karma Shipment Issues


member 1016

I'm going through my first (and hopefully last!) GoPro Care Accidental Replacement Karma. However, I've had just about the worst support experience in recent memory haha!

I won't bore you with all the details leading up to it but I ordered the replacement about two weeks ago and sent my original Karma back to them. It delivered last Tuesday and on Thursday I received a shipment notification saying they were replacing everything except the charging cable and the Karma controller. Fast forward to receiving the delivery today and it was... just some propellors! No drone, no battery, no stabilizer- just some propellors.

I've called and chatted into GoPro support and supposedly the matter is being escalated but it's already been several hours with no further reply and I don't expect another update until tomorrow at best.

Has anyone else experienced this with a GoPro Care replacement? I'm very cognizant of the fact that we're on borrowed time with Karma support but I'm really hoping they aren't just abandoning proper procedure when it comes to replacement / repair.
Just an update- I still haven’t been given an update but I received three shipments notifications via FedEx yesterday. No idea why all the parts couldn’t be shipped in one box but hopefully this is resolved soon.
Just an update- I still haven’t been given an update but I received three shipments notifications via FedEx yesterday. No idea why all the parts couldn’t be shipped in one box but hopefully this is resolved soon.

Mine took almost 6 weeks till delivery: by UPS, which means I couldn’t use the 24h pickup station our postal service provider offers. The turnaround in the GoPro warehouse took more than 3 weeks - I know, because of tracking provided by UPS. In Europe, you apparently have to send it all to Hungary (somewhere in the eastern provinces, where they probably still use smoke signals to communicate long distance; I am Hungarian born, so trust me).

But the packaging is first class, so I am not complaining about that.

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Woof, maybe I should just be grateful. I’m supposed to get mine today, we’ll see.
I don’t know if you read my thread ... but same problem they have my drone and saidthere trying to find it and don’t know what’s going on. It’s suppose to be here by now worst customer service on the back end ever...
Well, I have now been waiting for 12 days for my complete replacement. And every time I check in, they go through a long process of checking - only to tell me that it will be 5-7 days and they will send me a tracking number once it ships. Definitely feel like I am getting the run-around...
I received my replacement last Thursday and on the very first flight I had a compass error and the drone started drifting away. Luckily, I was able to run closer to the drone and it reacquired a GPS signal but I'm pretty much at my limit of patience with this thing.

I have been waiting for a response from "Karma team" to review the flight logs. If they tell me it was working fine and this was pilot error, I think I'll put the whole kit on eBay and move on. I love flying this thing but it's way too much of a liability if the drone takes off on its own and hurts someone.
Well, I have now been waiting for 12 days for my complete replacement. And every time I check in, they go through a long process of checking - only to tell me that it will be 5-7 days and they will send me a tracking number once it ships. Definitely feel like I am getting the run-around...

I had the same experience, and I only needed a small part. They kept telling me 5-7 days, but it took closer to 30.
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