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Lost Karma

kenny nelson

New Member
Sep 30, 2018
Reaction score
My Karma lost GPS said it was landing in place, then flew away never to be seen again!! Support gave five different reasons why then said it was my fault!! :-( I don't think i've ever been more pissed off!! What can I do it was six months old?
My Karma lost GPS said it was landing in place, then flew away never to be seen again!! Support gave five different reasons why then said it was my fault!! :-( I don't think i've ever been more pissed off!! What can I do it was six months old?

Have they given you a response in writing? What is the exact reasons they are giving you for claiming it was user error? Did you buy Karma Care?

The front line customer service folk are the messenger. They don’t make the decisions. Some folks have found that persistence is the key, talking with supervisors, their supervisor, etc., keeping it professonal, but maintaining persistence. Really try and understand things from their perspective. It will be easier to dispute their claims if you fully understand what they are telling you. If you are nice enough, in an unlikely scenerio, they might offer to replace your drone at no charge, but the most likely outcome is that they will offer to let you purchase one at a discount, and not a steep discount either.

Alternatively you could attempt to challenge them legally. I don’t advise this method, as it would likely be both risky and expensive. If they are telling you the crash was due to use error, they probably have some engineering experts on their side. Again, they better you understand the more you can argue your case.
I purchased Karma Care. If it is user fault, does Karma Care replace or repair. That was my understanding from their CS people. If not, it would seem KC is wasted money as it only extends the warranty 1 additional year for 209.00
I purchased Karma Care. If it is user fault, does Karma Care replace or repair. That was my understanding from their CS people. If not, it would seem KC is wasted money as it only extends the warranty 1 additional year for 209.00

Karma Care is like car insurance. You pay a flat rate to purchase it If you crash it you pay a deductible to get it replaced.

If you own it, you could have talk to CS about sending you a replacement if you pay the deductible , but technically speaking, they usually want the broken drone back. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to ask.

I have my FAA registration number on my drone and my personal contact info on my drone. I don’t have Karma Care ( my wife told me I will be SOL if I ever crash it, lol), but I figured if it does somehow land in the wrong hands, perhaps a nice individual would return it. It might land in place or if not damaged to bad, might be repairable.
Thanks for all the replies. Well first they said it was not a good place to fly, then it was because it lost GPS, then it was i took off without GPS, then it was the calibration was off. All B.S. in my opinion here's why. I have flew many times at this spot, the drone was in a clear line of sight about 100 ft away & 50 ft high. It said that it had lost GPS & was landing in place, never to be seen again. The map of last known location was about thirteen blocks from where this happened. I have called & spoke to a supervisor explaining all the wrongs with what their reasoning is without any help from Gopro. This was the first reply from them,
Hello Kenny,

As per our conversation, we check again your flight logs and the location of your last flight. It is not an ideal location to fly your drone, and as stated on the flight logs, you armed it without GPS. We can replace the propellers, Karma battery, Harness and we will also put a 40% discount under a brand new camera. You, in your end, will shoulder the Stabilizer and the body of the drone as this is also the first resolution we provided.
After I posted here someone ask about a response in writing so I got this too.
Hi Kenny,

Good day to you!

We already analyzed your flight logs and we have seen a lot of events that occurred why the drone drifted on it's own. Your case went to a critical investigation and it clearly shows on your flight logs that there's no manufacturing defect issues found.

In this flight, we have seen that you flown the drone in pilot mode. The drone was dependent on the commands that you will do since you didn't calibrate it making it more prone to some drifting issues and flight issues. We have seen also that you tried to fly it in a residential area which is surrounded of houses, buildings and large metal objects that can cause interference with the wireless connection. Basically speaking, the location of the flight was not really a good location to fly it. Your drone experienced an interference leading it to drift on it's own. You can avoid this issue to happen if only the drone was calibrated.

As a Karma Expert, we have verified that this drone got lost not because of a manufacturing defect issue but because of the poor flight preparations that happened. The outcome of the investigation merely depends on the flight logs that you uploaded. I have never been so pissed in my life at a company!! Any help is greatly welcomed!!
I’m so sorry for your loss! :(

Based on my understanding of the Karma, Gopro’s explaination makes perfect sense to me. I’ve seen similar issues among pilots of all types of drones.

I could try and explain why their explaination makes sense to me, but I doubt that is the “help” you were looking for, and I’m honestly not trying to rub salt in the wound.

I wish you the best in recovering from this situation.

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