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Vibration / Resonance on Karma drone footage.


May 13, 2017
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Hi all,

Has anyone experienced any vibration issues when flying the Karma ?

This is not a constant issue for me but occasionally I can see the whole drone vibrating which then induces itself into the footage shot on the drone (see link at bottom of this thread).

Once the drone stops moving it seems to 'balance' itself out.

I've only had about four flights so far and noticed this on two of them.

These flights were the last two out of the four and so I am hoping that this is not an emerging issue.

I should point out at this stage that I have not mistreated the drone or had any hard landings.

I'm not sure what it could be as 50% of my flights have not shown any issue of this.

Any thoughts ??



Watch the video in full screen to see the issue clearly.
Was the video really just 10 seconds long? I didn't see any vibration.
Was the video really just 10 seconds long? I didn't see any vibration.

No, the full shot was a little longer than that. I edited it down to a shorter clip for convenience.

The vibration is very clear.
Try to watch it again in full screen mode on at least a 15 inch screen.
I've noticed it on mine, at times, but only when executing a descent at full speed in sport mode.
I've noticed it on mine, at times, but only when executing a descent at full speed in sport mode.

Mine is in sport mode as well.
I might switch it off to see if that has an impact or not.
Thanks for the feedback
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If you calibrate the drone's stabilizer periodically before flight it should correct this. It's fast and easy to do. After turning in the drone and controller go into calibration settings on the controller. You will see the option to calibrate the stabilizer.
If you calibrate the drone's stabilizer periodically before flight it should correct this. It's fast and easy to do. After turning in the drone and controller go into calibration settings on the controller. You will see the option to calibrate the stabilizer.

Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a go !!
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After further investigation and a full calibration of the drone I have found that I still have the issue.

However, its only when descending and it can quickly be stopped by simply rotating the drone.

Its obviously a fault or feature but for me its not a deal breaker as I can quickly alliviate the issue.
Add to that the fact that I never really use descending shots in my videos !!
When all drones descend, they have to fly through their own prop-wash - the air that's disturbed by their own propellers. One solution is to descend more slowly, another is to fly in one direction horizontally while descending, and the drone will then pass through 'clean' air and provide a more stable image.

I've had this issue with an Ehang drone, but it's about 5x worse than on the Karma, largely because the latter is a way more stable platform. In a pinch, try using YouTube's stabilization routine and it might eliminate some of the vibration in existing footage.

Hopefully GoPro will allow their electronic image stabilization on the Hero5 to be used in future software updates - that really helps when filming with the Grip, but you have to turn it on manually every time you start up the Karma Grip. It's currently not possible to turn it on when flying the camera on the Karma Drone unfortunately.

All best,

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When all drones descend, they have to fly through their own prop-wash - the air that's disturbed by their own propellers. One solution is to descend more slowly, another is to fly in one direction horizontally while descending, and the drone will then pass through 'clean' air and provide a more stable image.

I've had this issue with an Ehang drone, but it's about 5x worse than on the Karma, largely because the latter is a way more stable platform. In a pinch, try using YouTube's stabilization routine and it might eliminate some of the vibration in existing footage.

Hopefully GoPro will allow their electronic image stabilization on the Hero5 to be used in future software updates - that really helps when filming with the Grip, but you have to turn it on manually every time you start up the Karma Grip. It's currently not possible to turn it on when flying the camera on the Karma Drone unfortunately.

All best,


Wow ! Thanks for such a detailed and technical answer.

It certainly makes sense and now makes me feel a lot more comfortable that the drone does not have a fault.

Thanks again
When all drones descend, they have to fly through their own prop-wash - the air that's disturbed by their own propellers. One solution is to descend more slowly, another is to fly in one direction horizontally while descending, and the drone will then pass through 'clean' air and provide a more stable image.

I also hadn't thought of that. What an excellent answer.

The only time I've noticed it is when I'm coming in hot (because I'm running out of battery). It's never been an issue while filming because I try to keep it slow and steady. This is consistent with your explanation.

Thank you.
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I think Hamish is close, if not dead on with the prop wash, though I would suspect you have other variables meaning considerable wind even low pressure. I have never experienced prop wash like this in descent and the Karma is normally pretty good. I have seen similar in very turbulent wind at the top of a cliff when it was borderline too strong to fly, but this thing handles wind surprisingly well. I would just keep an eye on it and certainly note if it only seems to happen on decent. This gimbal does an amazing job and you really have to beat this thing to see flaws. In that regard, even in sport mode and being hard on the sticks as to identify weakness, I still have rarely been able to budge the gimbal. If you still note issues, it's time to look at possible prop balance/damage issues then contact GoPro if new props don't help. It pays to test now as to isolate just when this is happening. Again, I have flown this A LOT and only saw this vibration once at a time I thought video would be bad. I have spent a lot of time in the field flying as to identify limitations, and verify functionality so I know when I do this for real, I am all good. I have also tested how this thing reacts when it loses connection, or battery drain, which I think also helps for when you are in the real world and have a problem. It's always best to know what to expect, how the Karma will react and what you need to do if anything to aid the situation.
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I just bought my Karma this evening. I flew two flights after I did all the updates and I had the vibration you guys are taking about. At first I thought it was only while descending but I also noticed it while flying straight forward and even one time while flying low and slow in front of me. I am new to the Karma but not new to quads.

I am certain the arms were fully extended and my props are brand new. The only transporting this thing has done was from the store to my house so I haven't beat it up at all. I didn't notice the vibration in my videos at all but I can hear it and see it while watching the drone.

I'm going to call GoPro in the morning but knowing my luck I probably have a defective unit. I always have issues with every tech item I buy especially drones! If anyone maybe knows anything else that could cause a brand new karma to vibrate, let me know!
Seems like you did just about everything you could to fix it. Assuming you are not flying it in VERY windy conditions, it sounds like there is a true issue. I have only seen this vibration as you state while descending, or extremely windy conditions that you shouldn't fly in anyway.

I guess you could re calibrate just to say you did it and verify the arms have no play when locked in position. As a last resort, you can remove the rotors, then put them back on and tighten just a hint with the wrench provided/test. It's also possible a rotor is bent out of the box, so you can remove one at a time and replace with one of the spares provided/test. If you get through all 4 rotors and still have the vibration, I say don't mess around and just exchange it where you bought it. You may have to go through the support process if you bought it through GoPro, but otherwise, I always prefer it work properly out of the box rather than get tech support involved and possibly receive a "factory reconditioned" part. It's possible you have a bad motor, or bad arm, but it's just wrong to get something out of the box with a problem. If nothing else, exchanging it gives you piece of mind you started out with a good product.
Seems like you did just about everything you could to fix it. Assuming you are not flying it in VERY windy conditions, it sounds like there is a true issue. I have only seen this vibration as you state while descending, or extremely windy conditions that you shouldn't fly in anyway.

I guess you could re calibrate just to say you did it and verify the arms have no play when locked in position. As a last resort, you can remove the rotors, then put them back on and tighten just a hint with the wrench provided/test. It's also possible a rotor is bent out of the box, so you can remove one at a time and replace with one of the spares provided/test. If you get through all 4 rotors and still have the vibration, I say don't mess around and just exchange it where you bought it. You may have to go through the support process if you bought it through GoPro, but otherwise, I always prefer it work properly out of the box rather than get tech support involved and possibly receive a "factory reconditioned" part. It's possible you have a bad motor, or bad arm, but it's just wrong to get something out of the box with a problem. If nothing else, exchanging it gives you piece of mind you started out with a good product.

It was a little windy last night but nothing crazy maybe about 7-8 mph gusts. I spoke with Gopro this morning and they guy said it wasn't normal and shouldn't be happening. He didn't really know what would be causing it but he said I should just go back to Best Buy and do an exchange since I just bought it. He also said that if the Arms on the Karma are not fully extended it will not let you take off. That's good to know!

Also, Gopro support is pretty good! I also fly an X Star Premium and Autel's customer support is awesome but it was pretty cool that Gopro answered right away and were so friendly and willing to help.
That is good news and certainly less hassle for you to just do the exchange.

Even when you are in your own wash, it is tough to see a vibration, so when you do, there is an issue. As far as the wind, I wish I knew what the wind speed was when I flew, but as I said, common sense thought video would be affected and it was the type of wind anyone should recognize was too hard. It certainly would have grounded rockets, or other types of RC rockets or RC aircraft. My Drone Buddy App said it was about 13MPH, but that was per GPS and the closest weather station with no chance here. Maybe 20-25MPH? I did not realize just how bad it was until I hiked on top of the peak I was flying over, and put it in the air again. It was just more testing to see the limits of this thing and it handled it amazingly well. Either way, where you could see vibration on the drone, that gimbal did a great job and you did not see it in video.

Anyway, best of luck.

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