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Sep 3, 2018
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I bought one on the second release.i never has an issue up until last week when it crashed randomly, and I’m being charged for it to be fixed. I’ll be getting a mavic now
Hi Jdc88,
I'm sorry to hear of your accident. The forum is great for asking questions and getting ideas. Would you like to share what happened and maybe it could prevent others DOI the same?
Thanks mate
Good Morning JDC, Hummingbird,

I 2nd that motion ... JDC please describe what happened. I have had a few instances where the Karma has detected I am flying in a No Fly Zone and the Controller announces "Karma in No Fly Zone, Karma Landing" ... and it does right where it is. I Hope future release come out with some sensors for the Karma to help avoid objects.

What were the details behind your Crash, if you don't mind.

Member Since 2018
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Good Morning JDC, Hummingbird,

I 2nd that motion ... JDC please describe what happened. I have had a few instances where the Karma has detected I am flying in a No Fly Zone and the Controller announces "Karma in No Fly Zone, Karma Landing" ... and it does right where it is. I Hope future release come out with some sensors for the Karma to help avoid objects.

What were the details behind your Crash, if you don't mind.

Member Since 2018

Yeah that can catch you out when the Karma decides it's landing. I investigated, since I am surrounded by water and on the edge of 2 no fly zones (submarine & nuclear weapons facility). In an area that is clear to fly, sometimes with fewer than 10 satellites I get the NFZ message and it can be out by as much as 2 miles, but 11+ satellites cures the problem. I've just added it to my checklist.

You can override the landing by pressing the red cross in the bar the message appeared. This gives you control to manually return and land.

Unfortunately dji's see solid structures with sensors, but generally trees and smaller objects are missed. At least parts for the Karma are relatively cheaper than some dji's.
Yeah that can catch you out when the Karma decides it's landing. I investigated, since I am surrounded by water and on the edge of 2 no fly zones (submarine & nuclear weapons facility). In an area that is clear to fly, sometimes with fewer than 10 satellites I get the NFZ message and it can be out by as much as 2 miles, but 11+ satellites cures the problem. I've just added it to my checklist.

You can override the landing by pressing the red cross in the bar the message appeared. This gives you control to manually return and land.

Unfortunately dji's see solid structures with sensors, but generally trees and smaller objects are missed. At least parts for the Karma are relatively cheaper than some dji's.

I own a Mavic Pro as well from before.

I prefer the Pro for flying, the Karma for video (unless I need it to stay still and pivot).

For all the flack Karma gets for no sensors for obstacle avoidance, Mavics is better off disabled. Pausing in mid air for no reason and ruining a shot, can't detect trees or small objects, WTF is the point if all it does is avoid massive objects? I do not trust it and pretty much always control the drone unless I am in a clear area and use follow me (which can be done on the Karma). The object sensor for tracking is also hit and miss.

Really they should just make a damn rubber wrist band for tracking

Maybe i got lucky with my Karma, but I have had zero issues with it so far, much less than I had with the Mavic when I purchased it

I got the package for $800CAD (drone,hero6,backpack) The Mavic is $1300 here. Honestly, if the Karma was smaller and/or had a better battery life I would get rid of the Mavic and almost regret purchasing it now.
i have had both, mavic, and the karma.. and i like the video from the gopro better than the mavic
I own a Mavic Pro as well from before.

I prefer the Pro for flying, the Karma for video (unless I need it to stay still and pivot).

For all the flack Karma gets for no sensors for obstacle avoidance, Mavics is better off disabled. Pausing in mid air for no reason and ruining a shot, can't detect trees or small objects, WTF is the point if all it does is avoid massive objects? I do not trust it and pretty much always control the drone unless I am in a clear area and use follow me (which can be done on the Karma). The object sensor for tracking is also hit and miss.

Really they should just make a damn rubber wrist band for tracking

Maybe i got lucky with my Karma, but I have had zero issues with it so far, much less than I had with the Mavic when I purchased it

I got the package for $800CAD (drone,hero6,backpack) The Mavic is $1300 here. Honestly, if the Karma was smaller and/or had a better battery life I would get rid of the Mavic and almost regret purchasing it now.

Maybe it is just me... but the “active track” on my Karma is much better than the Air.

My experience has been similar to yours.

And to the guy posting above about the Karma Landing because it is in a no fly zone, guess what? The Mavic does this too, and there is no way to cancel it.

In an extreme case, About a month or two ago, a guy was flying his Mavic 2 Pro over some water. While he was in the air a Temporary Fight Restriction went into effect. There was no warning until the exact time the TFR happened. The drone proceeded to land in the water and there was nothing he could do about it.

He made another video with his Mavic Pro and posted it on YouTube, in order to replicate the issue and warn other pilots.
I hear a lot issues with the Karma, I must be the lucky one no issues yet . I fly almost everyday and use 5 battery’s up . I get great footage and the quality is fantastic on the 5 black.

I think the key is not to push it ,if you feel is not a good time to fly don’t !! Also there is a lot of interference every where , I always do a test pass before flying high.

I still believe the karma is the best drone for the money .. they could have more stuff bells and whistles built in , but there is something about the simplicity.. it just works ! And less to go wrong .
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I hear a lot issues with the Karma, I must be the lucky one no issues yet . I fly almost everyday and use 5 battery’s up . I get great footage and the quality is fantastic on the 5 black.

I think the key is not to push it ,if you feel is not a good time to fly don’t !! Also there is a lot of interference every where , I always do a test pass before flying high.

I still believe the karma is the best drone for the money .. they could have more stuff bells and whistles built in , but there is something about the simplicity.. it just works ! And less to go wrong .

I don't think you are "lucky" per say...I just think that the comments you hear skew towards complaints rather than complements. I really haven't had any issues with mine either...for the same reasons you mention...I don't push the boundaries...so I don't end up finding where they are at... :)
Hi Shon,
I like your comment about it is not "lucky" that we (as the "no crash" member of Kama pilot) know what we are doing and not taking chances to play with the drone in the sky, do not compare between products of the prices and functions just ask what you need the drone for.
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No issues either. Sure a few intrinsic problem units but how many doing just fine like mine?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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