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Display karma controller


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Feb 5, 2018
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Who can tell me what the circle and arrow means in the right hand lower corner of the display. What is green, red, etc. And what does the arrow do.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ONEPLUS A3003 met Tapatalk
Who can tell me what the circle and arrow means in the right hand lower corner of the display. What is green, red, etc. And what does the arrow do.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ONEPLUS A3003 met Tapatalk
Sorry left hand bottom...

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ONEPLUS A3003 met Tapatalk

Karma Radar Orientation Color Indicators (Controller Signal Strength)

  1. In the bottom left hand corner of the flight screen, there is a radar that shows the orientation and location in relation to the Karma Controller
  2. The small white triangular shape on the perimeter of the radar is the drone's location
  3. The transparent green, orange, or red area is the view or perspective in which the Karma Controller is facing
  4. If the drone is in front of the Karma Controller, the radar will show the drone at the top of the perimeter with a green field
  5. If the drone is veering to a certain side of the Karma Controller without the pilot turning to face the drone, the field will turn orange and the arrow will slide around the perimeter
When the drone is directly behind the Karma Controller, the radar field turns red and the white arrow will be in the back of the perimeter

Best practices to maintain a stable connection between the drone and controller

  1. Fly in a open area or location.
    • Avoid flying in locations with heavy Wi-Fi signals (apartment buildings, office buildings, downtown areas).
  2. Keep Karma within your line of sight.
    • Avoid flying behind buildings, trees, or other large structures.
  3. Keep the controller pointed towards the Karma
    • Use the Karma Controller's radar indicators (pictured below) and try to keep the white arrowing in the green cone.
    • Avoid flying the drone directly behind or above you.
  4. Ensure you have the updated software version on your Karma system before your fly.
Who can tell me what the circle and arrow means in the right hand lower corner of the display. What is green, red, etc. And what does the arrow do.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ONEPLUS A3003 met Tapatalk
You tap on it and that opens the GPS screen. When I fly out really far I sometimes loose my bearings. The arrow is the direction the drone is facing, the center dot is you. You can spin the arrow to you and the drone will show back up over you! As for the colors is the connectivity. Green is good signal, yellow caution your getting to far out and signal is weakening. Red is your about to loose signal completely. Tap on the small video screen that will be along the bottom left and it will open you back up into the visual screen.

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