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Traveling with Karma (Flight in transit Abu Dhabi)


Aug 22, 2017
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Hello everyone !!

I'm new here and i'm so glad to found a forum dedicated to our little Karma :)

Maybe you guys can help me !

I will be travelling from Paris to Sydney in October and will be in transit for 2 hours in Abu-Dhabi.

I would like to know if I can bring my drone in the United Arab Emirates without having the permit you need to fly it ?
I know the rules for Australia so everything is ok. I bought a Lipio safety bag for the battery.
I will not go out of the airport so I think it’s ok but I want to be sure to not have my drone taken away from me in Abu-Dhabi because you need a permit to fly it there but i will not use it in the country, just transiting...

I can't find real info anywhere on the web, not 100% sure answers in other forums etc.

I emailed the airport and the General Civil Aviation Authority of the UAE but no replies...

First time traveling with a drone so i'm a little stressed ;)

Thank you !!
Hello everyone !!

I'm new here and i'm so glad to found a forum dedicated to our little Karma :)

Maybe you guys can help me !

I will be travelling from Paris to Sydney in October and will be in transit for 2 hours in Abu-Dhabi.

I would like to know if I can bring my drone in the United Arab Emirates without having the permit you need to fly it ?
I know the rules for Australia so everything is ok. I bought a Lipio safety bag for the battery.
I will not go out of the airport so I think it’s ok but I want to be sure to not have my drone taken away from me in Abu-Dhabi because you need a permit to fly it there but i will not use it in the country, just transiting...

I can't find real info anywhere on the web, not 100% sure answers in other forums etc.

I emailed the airport and the General Civil Aviation Authority of the UAE but no replies...

First time traveling with a drone so i'm a little stressed ;)

Thank you !!

I recently took mine to Dubai for a 4
Day stopover en route to Thailand. No issues at all. Batteries in hand luggage and karma shell in hold luggage. I had no permit to fly in Dubai.

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I haven't travelled to Abu Dhabi, nor do I know their rules, but the general consensus amongst travellers is that the best way to travel with the drone is to do what @robertmcginily said - pack the drone itself into your checked luggage (preferably in its Karma case), and take the batteries in your carry-on.

Enjoy Australia. If you want to know the places where you are allowed to fly, download an app called "Can I Fly There" for iOS or Android. Sydney has a lot of closed airspace due to the airports, and this app will define those limits for you. The other thing to remember is that to fly in national parks in NSW you'll need permission of the park management; other states have different rules for national parks (VIC requires a commercial licence, SA is pretty much a no-fly-zone, and QLD let's you do whatever you want). Outside of those airport airspace and national parks, just follow the CASA rules and enjoy!
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Thank you for your reply Robert !!
Did you mean you put your Karma in the hold of the plane, you checked it in ? I read that it was better to take your drone in hand luggage with you cause the staff of airport are not very gentle with luggage lol How did you protect it ?

Thanks again :)
Thank you gm82au ! you're the second person who tell me to check in the drone, i always read it was better to keep it with me :O
i can't bring my karma case, it's too big :/ I will try to see if i can protect it in my luggage, i'm afraid of stealing object in hold luggage, i already got a camera stolen in Manchester airport that way...
But it would be not as stressfull if i could put it in the hold of the plane instead of bringing it in my backpack !!

I already have the app where to fly in Australia :) I will not fly it in Sydney, too much people lol For the national parks, i will see what is allowed. I'm going to New Zealand too, and found a map of allowed place to fly.

Thanks so much for your help !
New Zealand would be spectacular to film with a drone. We travelled the South Island a few years ago and it's stunning. Have fun, and post some videos to YouTube for us.
If you have an address of your destination you can always ship it there. Probably much safer but more costly.
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I flew with AirFrance and their regulation is that you can have two under 100Wh batteries in hand baggage. And Karma battery is 75.4Wh.
AirFrance says the lithium should be less than 2g... I have no idea how many grams is there in the battery?
But I had no problems to travel with the them.
I flew from London to São Paulo (British airways) and from São Paulo to Noronha Island and no issues

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