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Disable Auto-Return?


Nov 10, 2018
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Is there a way to deactive the Auto-Return "feature" when the Karma is getting low on battery? Twice now I have had my Karma crash itself into tree branches while trying to fight it's unawares flight path "home". I'm not saying I am a great pilot yet, but I'm pretty sure I would have brought her in safe if the autopilot wasn't trying to do it's own thing.

Ideally I would still like it to ALERT me that I only have 2 mins left, but (call me crazy) not take over and fly itself into a tree and break it's propellers...
I’m pretty sure you can in setting in the remote. I know you can set a return height, I’ve set mine to 60m. Also as soon as mine starts to auto return i cancel it and manually fly it back.

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Hi there.
Yeah just press the x on the touch screen that will cancel the RTH and let you take over.
Try not to fly out of line of sight is probably rule no. 1 lol.
Good luck.
Possibly that I kept my Karma in sight distracted me from noticing the "x" to cancel the return home, cause I was panicked trying (and failing) to keep it from hitting a tree.

I did an update on my software and NOW I see a setting to disable auto-return, we'll see if it worked once I get my new propellers, hopefully tomorrow.

Thanks for the helps...
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Possibly that I kept my Karma in sight distracted me from noticing the "x" to cancel the return home, cause I was panicked trying (and failing) to keep it from hitting a tree.

I did an update on my software and NOW I see a setting to disable auto-return, we'll see if it worked once I get my new propellers, hopefully tomorrow.

Thanks for the helps...

This distraction happened to me the first couple of times I "lost connection". Very unnerving I must say.
If it happens just take a deep breath and remember you can press that black cross on the screen lol.

May not be a good idea to disable RTH, just adjust the RTH height to something that will clear all trees etc in your flight path.

Good luck and have fun when your new props arrive.
Possibly that I kept my Karma in sight distracted me from noticing the "x" to cancel the return home, cause I was panicked trying (and failing) to keep it from hitting a tree.

I did an update on my software and NOW I see a setting to disable auto-return, we'll see if it worked once I get my new propellers, hopefully tomorrow.

Thanks for the helps...

I've had the same thing happen to me as well! it was crazy scary!!!

Friendly advice: If you disable auto-return...the alternative is to land-in-place. That could be a REALLY BAD thing...especially if you are over water, and the drone loses connection with the remote (which can happen very easily) and decides to auto-land in the water. If there is a tree, bush, sand dune, uneven ground, or other hazard below, the drone will still try to land. Even slightly uneven ground can cause the drone to tip, and you to lose a couple of props or worse.

As Ironspear mentioned, a good option might be to cancel "return to home" when it initiates by hitting the "x" on your remote. This will allow you to easily take back control without issue. You can also manually set the safe RTH height on your remote before your flight. Again...this would only work if your remote still has connection with the drone.

The first time RTH initiated for me...I was landing near a tree when the two minute warning hit, and the drone shot up into the sky under a tree. I wrestled with the controls and narrowly avoided a crash. I learned a couple of things in hindsight from that flight: #1 don't avoid low battery notification, #2 I can disable RTH by pressing "x" on the controller touch screen.

The next time RTH happened, I was flying in an area where I noticed some unusual interference. The drone lost connection with the controller and automatically initiated RTH. I waited for the drone to get close enough to establish connection, pressed "x" on the touch screen controller, and after a few more minutes of flight, and a few more shots, manually landed the drone. Once I know what to do...it was quite easy to correct and to deal with.

Happy flying!
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