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Totally New Pilot and GoPro user


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Nov 12, 2018
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Hi all! Just want to introduce ourselves. We are a family of 4...we have a boy 11 and a girl 13. We just bought the Karma w/Hero6 Black on a complete whim. We kinda crazy like that. We briefly owned a GoPro before years ago that never really got used. This is our first drone. We have not even flown it yet, we have only been teaching ourselves on the simulator. We are super excited to get to take this with us on our many adventures in camping, kayaking, boating and beaching. Any tips or tricks anyone wants to share, we are all ears. I've been researching and watching videos for days but I want to know it all!!!
Hi all! Just want to introduce ourselves. We are a family of 4...we have a boy 11 and a girl 13. We just bought the Karma w/Hero6 Black on a complete whim. We kinda crazy like that. We briefly owned a GoPro before years ago that never really got used. This is our first drone. We have not even flown it yet, we have only been teaching ourselves on the simulator. We are super excited to get to take this with us on our many adventures in camping, kayaking, boating and beaching. Any tips or tricks anyone wants to share, we are all ears. I've been researching and watching videos for days but I want to know it all!!!

Here is a great preflight checklist:
Solved: PLEASE READ if you plan to fly - GOPRO SUPPORT HUB


First piece of advice is to start slow. Get out...and fly the drone in boring places first. Get used to how it actually handles. You don't want to get out in a kayak...realize it takes off just fine, but landing it back on the kayak or catching it...is a bit of a trick! Don't try anything too heroic. The tech isn't as "foolproof" as the marketing team might have you believe.

Second Piece of advice... Do not use "Return to Home". just don't get into the habit of using it. Learn how to manually land your drone. I recommend always taking off and landing with the camera facing away from you. This will allow you to control the drone more naturally.

Third: Do not drain the battery when flying. Leave about 8 minutes in reserve when you start to land. You may want to purchase more batteries. It isn't all that fun to drive 100 miles, and only be able to fly for 10 minutes.

Running through old threads...I posted many threads labeled "Karma Flight School", that analyze crash videos and how to avoid a similar fate.

Happy flying!
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Welcome to your new obsession, and ditto on everything Shon said!
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There is a quite extensive pre flight checklist on the forum.
Have a look for that.
Have fun.
Congrats! Karma will provide your family with the ability to capture a number of great new adventures from a different perspective!

I recently purchased a new set of props (Master Airscrew) for my Karma after reading a review on GoProPilots. The new props performed as advertised and reported out here. You may wish to invest in these props for improved performance.

Check out my first flight over Waikiki!


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