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Lubricating the motors


Active Member
Dec 24, 2019
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Does anyone regularly lubricate the motors of the Karma? I noticed that the right rear motor is less free spinning than the other motors. I sprayed it with some WD40 and it spins better, but not as nicely as the others. What's been your experience.
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Does anyone regularly lubricate the motors of the Karma? I noticed that the right rear motor is less free spinning than the other motors. I sprayed it with some WD40 and it spins better, but not as nicely as the others. What's been your experience.
I haven't ever used anything other than "compressed air in a can" to blow out dust etc.

Good luck
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Motors wear out over time. Bad things can happen when they do. Hopefully yours remains okay!

I baby my drone...keep it in a temperature controlled environment, I only land it on a landing pad, etc. I haven't needed to spray anything on it.
Take the comment that follows with a grain of salt--not trying to criticize:

Maybe you sprayed wd-40 on this precision moving part because you've never had to clean wd-40 from a precision moving part [arbitrary passage of time] later. There are better options in a spray can, starting with electrical contact cleaner. Maybe there's an official motor bearing lubricant?
Just wanted to follow up on the reason I discovered the rear right motor was less free moving than the other motors was that I started to remove the props to fit the Karma into my Seeker pack. I noticed it was less free earlier, but really noticed it when I had to remove the props and put them back on again. Moral of the story is don't get used to leaving the props on, change them from time to time and check the motors.

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