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GoPro Karma drifting


New Member
Jan 20, 2018
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Hello GoPro fanatics,

Excuses for the bad writing.....
I'm a brand new user of the Karma; bought the package this week and updated all the firmware of the Karma, controller and the GoPro Hero 6. This morning I was excited to do my first flight. Did all the steps, callibrated the Karma and send it off, No problems, made a nice film of the neighbourhood. This afternoon I planned the second flight, Took the drone up, about 10 ft (automatic lift off). The Karma was hanging in the air, quiet and still. When ik took the Karma to a higher level, suddenly it went off and away and I couldn't get the control over it. It didn't react properly on my controller-commands. up/down did function (a bit) but the drone had his own life. I had the luck to bring it back with steering the controller buttons and descending (fast) on a soft underground. Thank G., no dammage. WTF is this. I bought an expensive drone.... Am I doing something wrong?
Weather-conditions: This morning with no problems: -1 degrees Celsius, this afternoon with problems: 3 degrees Celsius. hardly no wind, no rain, no fog, no nothing, about 100 meters from buildings.
What to do, I'm afraid of flying again and afraid of loosing the drone.....

Kloosterman (Netherlands)
No indications of any problems appeared on controller like lost signal or lost GPS? If it really did just suddenly start acting as you describe I would contact GoPro about it.

To me it sounds like you lost GPS but it should tell you that.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
This morning I went for another try. Very nervous to send it back in the sky.
I callibrated all sensors and made an automatic lift off... so far so good; made af few nice films and went back to my house. This afternoon I went into a naturpark nearby and found myself a open spot to fly the drone. Took it up and after about 2 minutes it went crazy again; no warning no lost gps signal; then i pushed as fast as i could the bring back home button to pull the drone back; there was no stability at all. At home I watched the film and I see that de drone itself starts rotating (horizontaly). And when I steered it with the controller it stopped rotating, but the drone was not under control. At last I took the risc to land it and it dit (in high grass). It broke a propellor. Very dissapointed I went home. I've decited to bring the drone back into the store before my 1.150,00 € is flying away.
I would call Go Pro, I had the same problem but mine was telling me I was losing GPS, called GO Pro and download flight records to them they to a look at records and told me there was a problem with my bird to send it back to them and they would send me a replacement, good luck

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