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GoPro Care works?


New Member
Jun 10, 2017
Reaction score
Hello guy,

I'm new here and gonna try to be quick:

Had an accident with the Karma and certainly will have to be replace.

It simple lost contact and fell straight to the ground.

I am 100% that wasn't my fault, but even if it was, I bought the insurance (GoPro Care).

Does anyone here used that service? How long it took for them to replace the equipment?

By the way, GoPro really solved the problem with the battery, right? Cause all the peaces found after the crash were distance from the spot that the battery was.

Still learning English, I apologize the mistakes.
@GTS18 when & where was your karma purchased from? My understanding is that , here in the US at least, the first run of Karmas (Fall of 2016) were recalled, with the re-release (with the battery fix) in Feb-2017.

From personal experience, I had one instance where I didn't slide the battery all the way in (but the clip locked) but the controller posted some kind of message. I can't remember specifically what, but it wasnt about the battery per se. It was something totally unrelated, but when I gave my Karma a once over, I noticed that the battery wasnt fully in.

Verifying that the battery is fully in is now part of my standard pre-flight checks.
Was here in US, Orlando/FL. The battery was ok, as far as I know. He lost connection and suddenly Start falling. I thought the frase "you brake it, we replace it" (And I again, didn't break that thing). I received an email saying that they are analyzing my case and soon they will present "options". what kind of options they are talking about? And how long all this process is gonna take? I really in the dark here.

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I had to have my stabilizer replaced. I called, explained the story. Sent flight logs and pictures. They sent me a new stabilizer relatively quickly.

They did send me the wrong harness with it though for a Hero4 Black rather than a Hero5. In a seperate issue, they sent me a Hero5 Session door rather than a Hero5 Black side door. Distribution needs improvements.
Hello guy,

I'm new here and gonna try to be quick:

Had an accident with the Karma and certainly will have to be replace.

It simple lost contact and fell straight to the ground.

I am 100% that wasn't my fault, but even if it was, I bought the insurance (GoPro Care).

Does anyone here used that service? How long it took for them to replace the equipment?

By the way, GoPro really solved the problem with the battery, right? Cause all the peaces found after the crash were distance from the spot that the battery was.

Still learning English, I apologize the mistakes.

I have the care also, lost my Karma drone last week. The go pro care sucks! They will attempt to charge you for a replacement drone core and parts stating it's like insurance and paying an deductible. Still working with GoPro support for replacement of drone getting the run around daily.

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Was here in US, Orlando/FL. The battery was ok, as far as I know. He lost connection and suddenly Start falling. I thought the frase "you brake it, we replace it" (And I again, didn't break that thing). I received an email saying that they are analyzing my case and soon they will present "options". what kind of options they are talking about? And how long all this process is gonna take? I really in the dark here.
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Took me 3 weeks to replace drone blades after the same thing happened to me. I would go through their 1yr limited warranty and if it comes down to it. I would only use the go pro care for the body of the drone that is about $300 otherwise if its blades or arms i would buy the replacements online before you use the GoPro Care warranty.

PS: i had to make sure how pissed off i was after waiting 3 weeks and no reply regarding the case. I also got some sort of a Case email on it stating that i needed to send them the pictures and logs even though i already did so and they acknowledged that they had everything they need. Bottom line you gotta get really serious with them or they will queue you.
True said! They good at giving the run around on your issues (GoPro)

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