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Good Vib?


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2018
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Okay I did a flight today where everything was going fine. Suddenly a huge vibration and pitch sound changes. I landed, checked arns were secure and propellers for chips or cracks. All was well. The next flight had the same. Motors are clear of dirt and/or damage. Has anyone had this before?

There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old & bold pilots.
Hummingbird Media Productions
does it affect video?
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I’m wondering if it might be a bad engine? You might not even realize it, if the drone is able to compensate, or the engine just hasn’t “locked up” but is headed in that direction.

I’m thinking it might be worth exploring with Gopro customer service? They can access flight logs that we don’t have access to. They might be able to diagnose a minor problem before it becomes a major one.
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Sorry for the delay, it's been a long day. The footage doesn't show the vibration, but to be honest I don't think the Karma stabaliser would falter with an earthquake, that thing is awesome! You might be onto something with a single engine fault. In a perfect hover there was a lot of sound pitch changes that could be the others compensating. I won't get flying this weekend, but check it out again next week.
Cheers folks!

There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old & bold pilots.
Hummingbird Media Productions
Sorry for the delay, it's been a long day. The footage doesn't show the vibration, but to be honest I don't think the Karma stabaliser would falter with an earthquake, that thing is awesome! You might be onto something with a single engine fault. In a perfect hover there was a lot of sound pitch changes that could be the others compensating. I won't get flying this weekend, but check it out again next week.
Cheers folks!

There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old & bold pilots.
Hummingbird Media Productions

I have noticed pitch changes when the drone is fighting against a gust of wind. It shouldn’t cause “vibration” though.... engine failures happen.
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To be fair the drone was 150' and brought it down to 50' where it was still noticeable. I will hopefully get a 'zero wind' moment and double check as any altitude can have wind speed changes. I might be waiting a while in Scotland for that wind though! Thanks!

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