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Brand new Karma attacks....


Aug 29, 2018
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I had 4 batteries worth of flying time with my shiny new Karma and all was great...UNTIL...

I was just tinkering around on a deserted beach one morning getting more familiar with my new prize. I had calibrated compass and flown about 30 minutes (was on my second battery) . I brought the drone about 15 feet away and a few feet off the ground. I was sitting in a chair looking at the controller while letting the Karma hover. It was calm and beautiful weather. The controller came up with GPS signal lost message. Within in a second I heard the pitch change on the drone and looked up in time to see it flying right at my head. I instinctively slapped it away from my face , breaking two props and losing part of the end of one finger and beating up a couple others pretty bad! The drone crashed a few feet away in about 6 inches of water ruing the drone and stabilizer and battery. What a way to to start day,
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I wasn’t recording at the time. I sent all the info to Gopro including flight logs and they were great! They responded within a couple days and acknowledged problem. They replaced everything and I’m back up and flying. I learned a valuable lesson... watch the drone when it’s that near.
anyway, sounds like a dangerous incident.
so basically the problem was you were too close to respond in time and take manual control while it was blindly flying at a high(?) speed in a random direction?
did GoPro explain the drone behavior somehow? was it trying to search for GPS signal or trying to land or whatever?
No. It was not flying at high speed. It was hovering for a minute or so and I was looking at controller setting up a drone shot. It just lost gps and I happened to be in its path. It all happened in a couple of seconds.
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WoW! That looks painful! Hope the others were okay too. Did GoPro acknowledge that it was a fault with the Karma for them to replace it? I've seen some horrible dealings with customer service on the forum...

There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old & bold pilots.
Hummingbird Media Productions
WoW! That looks painful! Hope the others were okay too. Did GoPro acknowledge that it was a fault with the Karma for them to replace it? I've seen some horrible dealings with customer service on the forum...

There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old & bold pilots.
Hummingbird Media Productions

The customer service is a little tedious talking to different people every time that don’t necessarily have TEXAS accents... if you get my meaning! Other than that, they were very good and helpful. While they never said there was a fault with Karma, they looked at flight logs and saw that it had lost GPS lock more than once in a wide open area with no trees or buildings or obstacles, they immediately took responsibility. I had to answer about 20 questions about the flight and circumstances and then upload flight logs. They said it would take about 2 days to review it all. 2 days later I was contacted and was told that they agreed there was an issue and had immediately approved and processed replacements. I was up and flying 11 days after the accident.

So I have nothing negative to say about Gopro and how they handled the situation.
Wow! Sorry to hear about this happening to you.... Even with GPS connection, this drone drifts way too much for my liking. I hate taking my eyes off it for that reason. I'm glad Gopro Customer service did right by you.
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