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WOW just got gopro care and the tech support is horrible. The person i got has no clue about the product... I hope i never have a real prob
Hey TS - saw on a posting you are a RE Agent. We are too and also use the Karma for vids. like to compare notes and see if we can bounce ideas off each other? We are out of SE PA (Philly area). Let me know.
I am waiting for my refurbished karma to be delivered . what should I look for . and are there any updates i need to know .
i read there was a range update
New Karma pilot learning the ropes and having fun. Had two crashes (one by my son), thus gone thru 2 sets of props but Karma is still fine!
Thanks for the info, didn't want to keep posting on the forum. The reason I looked up this forum was because I was flying my Sister-in-laws Karma and I lost GPS.
I read all of your posts from Lost GPS signal. What happened. Did a supervisor ever call you? Did you get a new one? I'm really curious.
Need info on how to report my karma drone god signal was lost at 100ft from take off and drone flew away
Greetings fron Prescott,,Arizona.My new found hobby is great!.need all the info that I can get.
New to Drones. I have not even flown my new Karma and found that the Karma does not have a follow me function. Any updates to follow?

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