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Tech Talk: Let us analyze the Phantom 3 and Karma teardowns


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2017
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Let us analyze these two teardowns to find a construction flaw. Let us find some workarounds together since GP is above this.
(Sarcasm intended-- 'cause honestly I don't think they could beta test a hotdog)

The Phantom 3 teardown: An interference barrier is protecting the the GPS

The Karma teardown: GPS on top, WiFi on the underbelly

Comments and points of view welcome.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Nice!! not liking the wifi/blue tooth specially underneath I would think signal would bounce around possibly lose connection which hey what do you know that's whats going on with tons of us. Wonder if we could implement third party extended antennas that you could position on the body of the karma off of that control board. I posted what I just went though with go pro on lost signal forum. I could do one of two things return that karma or say screw it and start proto typing new antennas. But wait I cant do that its in go pros disclaimer your not allowed to modify anything LOL YAAAAAA OOOOKKKKK!!!
Nice!! not liking the wifi/blue tooth specially underneath I would think signal would bounce around possibly lose connection which hey what do you know that's whats going on with tons of us. Wonder if we could implement third party extended antennas that you could position on the body of the karma off of that control board. I posted what I just went though with go pro on lost signal forum. I could do one of two things return that karma or say screw it and start proto typing new antennas. But wait I cant do that its in go pros disclaimer your not allowed to modify anything LOL YAAAAAA OOOOKKKKK!!!
I'm past my 60 days and I don't have gopro care. I don't plan on calling them for sh!t so I'm going to mod the fark out of this smurf.
Gimme some ideas. Anyone with me?
If you own the drone and don't want to call on GP at all, then start a thread.
It's not like we want to mod for bad reasons.
We Want The Damn Thing To Work!!

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
alright so I got my new drone I got into late so going to fly it tomorrow. Here's what I found different. On the inside of the battery compartment on my new one there are more I'd numbers then before. One I'd number is cmit 2016dj7850 and some other ones. My broken one that I bought in April of 17 does not have any of the new numbers sooo. I think what happen here is that there were transmission issues that gopro didn't get permission/or was overseen for as of yet. So I think that those models probably have some kind of safe guard (public not knowing) and caused them to malfunction and grounding these drones hence why gopro did the update to shut these drones down. So people like myself that still have one would return them to go pro, go pro then sends out a new drone that has all the proper id's. Unfortuantly the people who lost there drones in the ocean or crashed them are going to have a more difficult time due to not having a unit to swap out and proving to go pro that they actually do not have that unit so that way gopro can verify that unit is not in public hands. There's probably something in it that did not regulate correctly with FCC and was caught late after it was already distributed. Hush hush situation. Anyone following me ?
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