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Drone license soon to be required in Australia

Yes I had heard about this mate, well found! Twas inevitable really with the Google starting to fly quads as delivery devices here.

""For the first time we'll have an overall picture of the drone sector … probably there are tens of thousands, possibly even 100,000, but at this point we don't know," Mr Gibson said."

I would have thought that the Gov could easily have worked out how many quads have been sold here in Oz. They are saying that it will be AU$20 per year for recreational users. LOL. no one here will pay that. Its a farce really.....
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It will not get very far, especially in the large city areas. Ideal for getting small packages to areas where there is poor infrastructure like small Pacific islands or areas where there has been quakes or severe flooding. It is still in its infancy and will take time. As for large population areas it will not take off, only in cases of emergency.
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It will not get very far, especially in the large city areas. Ideal for getting small packages to areas where there is poor infrastructure like small Pacific islands or areas where there has been quakes or severe flooding. It is still in its infancy and will take time. As for large population areas it will not take off, only in cases of emergency.

Hi James.
Actually here in Oz it probably will.
House building companies here are already factoring in "drone landing pads" into their house plans!
This country tends to be a bit technology mad at times.
We already have We already have driverless buses working here in some parts of Adelaide.
Scary times are a coming! Watch the skies! :)
Well, well Ironspear, as the old saying goes, "You can knock me down with a feather!" By the way Best Buy in Canada have complete Karma Drones and Batteries on sale at what I would say a fair price complete with a GoPro6 black camera
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