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Digging Site - Cinematic Test


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2018
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Hi there!

I am trying to go deeper into cinematic style filming with my lovely Karma. Especially about getting the footage as stable as possible so that it looks like being taken from a crane or rail.
The Karma is such an excellent drone. Because of it's high weight it flies straight like an arrow at high speeds.

I would be happy about some feedback and your experiences about filming cinematic style with the Karma.
Hi there!

I am trying to go deeper into cinematic style filming with my lovely Karma. Especially about getting the footage as stable as possible so that it looks like being taken from a crane or rail.
The Karma is such an excellent drone. Because of it's high weight it flies straight like an arrow at high speeds.

I would be happy about some feedback and your experiences about filming cinematic style with the Karma.
I try to get a cinematic view with my drone but i have nearly crashed a few times due to the high wind speeds and power lines. yours looks great.
Great footage mate. Love the transition of colour when you climb up out of the quarry and the green suddenly cuts in.
Hi there!

I am trying to go deeper into cinematic style filming with my lovely Karma. Especially about getting the footage as stable as possible so that it looks like being taken from a crane or rail.
The Karma is such an excellent drone. Because of it's high weight it flies straight like an arrow at high speeds.

I would be happy about some feedback and your experiences about filming cinematic style with the Karma.

Loved how long and straight that shot was...I don't think I ever did a single take that long before!
just wondering how you got the colors so enhanced. and what video mode are you on. i have tried this but all i got was blur footage that looked like it was of a hero 4. my video mode was: linear 2.7k 60fps. here is some footage. //youtu.be/agxXVdRLKSE its so bad!!!!
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Have a 4K monitor and it looked phenomenal! @efialchemy asked but did you color grade or do any post production? Were you filing away or towards you?
I have filmed going away from me (out towards the flat) then i turn around and fly back (to the hills). that video is straight of the SD card to you tube. filmed at 2.7k linear 60FPS.
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Thank you very much for your feedback. I share all information about how it's done.
I always film on 4k 60fps. I own Hero 6 and Hero 7. The footage was taken on my Hero 6. In fact I didn't use my Hero 7 yet on the Karma because the new features are limited as soon as you put your GoPro 7 into the Gimbal.
So footage was taken with Hero 6 at 4k60fps. Color Profile: GoPro, sharp.
Next step: Do your shot in sports mode at full throttle. Fly as fast and as straight as possible.
Your footage is ready now. Next you go to your Computer and use a editing software like Adobe Premiere or Apple Final Cut Pro X. Import your media an put it on the timeline.
As the footage is taken in 4k60fps you can now reduce the speed of the clip by half. Now you have a beautiful slow motion in 30fps which is perfect!
Last step: do some color grading. You can do it by hand or you can use a lookup table (LUT) which are available for free. In this video I used "Badlands" from mLUT.
Video editiing is like Photoshop: You can do really great things. But as every single frame has to be modified (rendering) you need a computer with big balls.

I went to the digging site one day later and did a second flight. This time with GoPro's flat color profile. I will upload the video and you decide what is better.
Last edited:
I was in sports mode but i wasn't going fast. it was in one line for about 600 meters then i turned round and came back. i am also interested on what features on the karma restricts for the hero 7.
i also find that when you put it into 4k you need to have it in a wide view. i find that very annoying because you get this fish eye effects and you also need to be very close to the objects you are filming. i also have my colors set to the gopro ones.

Here is the second Karma Hero 6 video. This time with GoPro's flat color profile. The color grading was done in Final Cut Pro.
As you can see, flat profile offers you an even wider range of post prossessing. I tried to give the scene a nice sommer look. Not shure if everybody likes it but it was just to show the great potential that we all own with our GoPro Heros.
At least I am a bit proud of that scene because I ended up right between the two excavators without changing the flight path. Straight flight with that good Karma. I love it!
I have filmed going away from me (out towards the flat) then i turn around and fly back (to the hills). that video is straight of the SD card to you tube. filmed at 2.7k linear 60FPS.

Try 4K60fps in Wide mode and don't tilt the camera downwards like in your video. Set the angle to 0 dregrees. This will reduce the fisheye effect to a minimum. My videos are all filmed in wide mode at 0 degrees.
i love the video you took it is amazing. the color dose make a big difference. so you just increase the contrast on Final Cut Pro. i do that with normal photos from my nikon but i have never thought of doing it to videos. i will try filming it at 0 decrease then will try editing it on premier pro CC 2018.
i love the video you took it is amazing. the color dose make a big difference. so you just increase the contrast on Final Cut Pro. i do that with normal photos from my nikon but i have never thought of doing it to videos. i will try filming it at 0 decrease then will try editing it on premier pro CC 2018.

That sounds good! Happy to watch your new footage soon.

Here is a comparison between the raw footage with flat profile and the final graded material. Only a few clicks but a huge difference.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-26 um 22.57.32.png

Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-26 um 22.57.08.png
Thats amazing difference. is that just increasing contrast?

No, that‘s a LookUpTable (LUT). You just drag the LUT onto your clip in the timeline and adjust a few parameters with the sliders until it looks nice. It‘s really, really easy.
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Hi there!

I am trying to go deeper into cinematic style filming with my lovely Karma. Especially about getting the footage as stable as possible so that it looks like being taken from a crane or rail.
The Karma is such an excellent drone. Because of it's high weight it flies straight like an arrow at high speeds.

I would be happy about some feedback and your experiences about filming cinematic style with the Karma.
How far is your range?
i get around 1 km out of mine. i have discovered that if you have the drone on the same elevation as the controller you can go further. do you use the hero 5/6 or the 7. i have always wounded if the hyper smooth stabilization on the 7 would be any good in the drone due to the fact that the drone has the gimble

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