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Central, VA, USA nooby


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2019
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Hi all, have had my karma for a few months, still tuff learning to fly it, but have been enjoying for sure. I mostly just get freaked out trying to judge obstacles, and work the controller efficiently..
Currently studying for my Exam so i can license and fly part 107. I get nervous and confused figuring out where to fly, and try not to draw too much attention to myself. Hope to eventually find a flying partner in my area to hook up with and learn more. Funny but i think i was less nervous b4 studying for the exam...ignorance was bliss, now i fear so eone walking up to me asking what airspace im in, and me being like “ ya.... uhhhh... hopefully G.” Lol...
Cheers all, will start lurking and searching topics coz i have a bazillion questions i want to get ya’lls feeedback and experience on.
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Welcome to the forum mate!
Have fun and keep practicing.
The Karma is a great camera platform.
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Thanks ironspear.... i joined a group locally (well sort of local lol.) and went flying yesterday. Practice practice practice! So, i guess where you’re from, you need to fly inverted all the time, eh?
. J/K
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Practice makes perfect. :)
Roger that indeed. Decided next flight going to do those practice exercises like boxes, etc.
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G'day. There is a pre-flight checklist somewhere in this forum too.
Worth having a wee read.
Always keep the quad in your line of sight.
Happy flying.
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Reactions: Matisse
G'day. There is a pre-flight checklist somewhere in this forum too.
Worth having a wee read.
Always keep the quad in your line of sight.
Happy flying.

Brilliant thanks! I will search for it. That would be great to have. Appreciate these kind of tips. I’m still so new I don’t even know what I don’t know yet. .
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Roger that indeed. Decided next flight going to do those practice exercises like boxes, etc.

Yeah, it might sound pretty boring, but just practicing the basics goes a long way.

I wouldnt even think of picking up a controller to an unfamiliar video game and immediately charging into the toughest level, yet for some reason, people think it is perfectly okay to throw their $600-$800 drone up in the air, pushing all linits, and then are somehow surprised when they crash and burn.
Yes re-programme even if you move a couple of feet. Also keep in line of sight and don't fly into direct sunlight.
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So been doing those exercises at the start of each mission now. Hope to keep improving at these basic maneuvers.
Today in my back yard though after pre-flight inspect and while doing the "hover" my Karma kept floating around quite a bit on it's own. I'm wondering was that possibly due to being just in my back yard (lots of tall trees surround my yard) When i was at the lake the other day it hovered very very well. Also, I had just downloaded the latest update, plus it was a wee bit windy. I've had instances already in my yard of losing GPS temporarily in spots, so I'm attributing it to that for now. If i get to the lake tomorrow, i'll be able to see the difference.
Yes re-programme even if you move a couple of feet. Also keep in line of sight and don't fly into direct sunlight.

So when you say re-programme if moving a couple feet, to what steps are you referring? thanks!
Matisse, Take a close look at your backyard for metalwork that could upset your GPS signal. May I suggest that you continue your practise flights at the lake. When you first take off let it hover for awhile to check stability, if it is rock solid then continue with your flight programme. If it wanders even a slight amount, land and re-calibrate in a fresh spot.
Matisse, Take a close look at your backyard for metalwork that could upset your GPS signal. May I suggest that you continue your practise flights at the lake. When you first take off let it hover for awhile to check stability, if it is rock solid then continue with your flight programme. If it wanders even a slight amount, land and re-calibrate in a fresh spot.

Awesome thank you. Good tip I’ll do that then. Much more comfort at Lake also, tbh, more breathing room, lol
Thx JH cheers
Hey all, i scheduled my Airman's Knowledge Test for Thursday 14-Feb-2019 at 16:00 Zulu!

Currently my 'trouble' area is weather/meteorology, i'll need to study up more on it! (ranked 40% in that knowledge area on both practice tests to date)
Good Luck! I wonder if they include the wet and dry bulb temperatures in the exams these days.
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Thx @James Hatch actually "dewpoint" is on the testing but here they are just looking for the knowledge of how dewpoint is determined, like definition not necessarily calculating it. Their intent then is to make sure a PIC (Pilot in Command) can assess the flying conditions for a particular mission, as the dewpoint will affect control... i still need to re-view all those pieces. Mostly the meteorology seems to be around the type of clouds, the cycle of a thunderstorm, the dewpoints, the types of fog, and what causes each type of fog. and what effects all these have on the flight, etc.
Thx @James Hatch actually "dewpoint" is on the testing but here they are just looking for the knowledge of how dewpoint is determined, like definition not necessarily calculating it. Their intent then is to make sure a PIC (Pilot in Command) can assess the flying conditions for a particular mission, as the dewpoint will affect control... i still need to re-view all those pieces. Mostly the meteorology seems to be around the type of clouds, the cycle of a thunderstorm, the dewpoints, the types of fog, and what causes each type of fog. and what effects all these have on the flight, etc.

OMG! this IS supposed to be a fun hobby isnt it LMAO!
Good luck with the studying.
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OMG! this IS supposed to be a fun hobby isnt it LMAO!
Good luck with the studying.

lol... haha learning IS fun for me. ;) here in States you can choose to fly differently on each mission. one can fly as a hobbyist under "PART 101e" regulations/guidelines, or declare a mission as flying commercially under the "part 107" regulations. To fly the 'commercial' way one needs to pass the Knowledge Test. Hobbyist = no test. there are advantages and disadvantages to both, and new legislation being written all the time, so my thinking is in the states i will be ahead of the curve to study and test now. It will only be to my advantage down the line, plus the "perks" I get by having done so will come in handy for my photography and cinematography goals!

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