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Tried to land, stuck at 8" AGL, could not get to ground


New Member
Jul 1, 2018
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Studio City, CA
I tried repeatedly to reduce the throttle/altitude to get it to the ground, but it refused to go lower than about 8" AGL (no lower than eight inches above ground level).

The controller was not reporting a lost GPS signal, and I'm not sure why that would matter anyway.

I had to wait out the last 3 minutes until the battery conked out.

I was afraid to tap the controller "land" button, because I was in a different position than where I started the flight (with a large obstruction between those two points). Was that what I should have done?

I'm a rookie pilot. Thoughts on this?

I tried repeatedly to reduce the throttle/altitude to get it to the ground, but it refused to go lower than about 8" AGL (no lower than eight inches above ground level).

The controller was not reporting a lost GPS signal, and I'm not sure why that would matter anyway.

I had to wait out the last 3 minutes until the battery conked out.

I was afraid to tap the controller "land" button, because I was in a different position than where I started the flight (with a large obstruction between those two points). Was that what I should have done?

I'm a rookie pilot. Thoughts on this?

Next time grab the karma at his legs and reduce altitude untill it stops. I do thos often instead of a normal landi3

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ONEPLUS A3003 met Tapatalk
Can you increase altitude so you can grab it?

Verstuurd vanaf mijn ONEPLUS A3003 met Tapatalk
Pretty weird as Karma has no sensors and thus does not know for sure where the ground is when landing.

Typically just maintaining downward pressure on the left stick will stop the motors shortly after it has reached the ground.
Did it do this more than once? It may have been a quirk that your landing altitude was lower than your take off one. If this happens again then increase altitude to six feet and grab the legs and throttle back.
Strange situation. I frequently land my drone at a lower elevation than when I started, and I have not had the landing problem you have experienced. I have also taken off and landed in different places (Sometimes controlling the drone from a vehicle traveling between two points) and have not had that issue either.

You didn't mention in your comment whether the drone attempted "auto land" due to the low battery.

If you don't remember this happening, I suspect that your drone was attempted to "auto land" due to low battery. When this happens, your drone is programmed to ascend to a "safe height" before returning to the landing area. By default the height is 100ft or 30m. In pushing down on the stick, you are preventing the drone from ascending...the AI program for landing is basically fighting you. Usually in this situation, you can simply disengage the "auto land" feature by clicking on the "x" on the touch screen when it comes up. Of course...as a rookie pilot trying to land... You probably had your eyes on the drone and not the controller. You may not even have heard the audio warning, indicating that auto landing had been activated.

When I was a "rookie" pilot, I had a similar thing happen, and I was under a tree. I DID NOT want the drone to ascend! In my situation, after a few seconds of pushing down on the stick (Which seemed like hours) Auto land disengaged, and given how close I was to the ground, I made a fairly hard landing in my attempt to bring it down. It was quite scary...as the drone really fought me in regards to altitude. It wasn't until after the fact that I even pieced together what had happened. I may have heard the "audio warning" about the low batter, and Auto landing engaged, but I don't think I fully knew (even though I had read about it) what would happen. I'm not sure if "auto land" is what happened given the brief synopsis you offered, and the fact you had to keep fighting the controls, but I think it is at least plausible.

In addition to the other tips offered here...I typically try to leave about 4 minutes or on my battery when I'm landing. I've had situations where I was attempting to land and a huge gust of wind came and made landing dangerous. Another time, I was coming in for a landing...and a couple of dogs came running down the beach and tried to attack my drone. The owner didn't have any interest in controlling them, I'm not even sure I could have communicated with the owner anyway, as I was in another country. It was easier for me to just put the drone back up in the air and wait for them to leave. Had I been on my last minutes of battery, that situation could have been much more stressful.
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It was auto landing. My friend reported the something very similar to me. He swore that it wasn't and that it was just refusing to land as he pulled down on the left stick. Luckily his wife happened to be standing next to him filming with her phone. When we looked at the footage you could see the (X) on the bottom right of the controller screen. This (X) is the cancel "button" for when the drone goes into an auto mode. Next time, look for this. If you press on the (X) you will regain control.
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