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Sound recording?


New Member
Jun 11, 2017
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Hi guys,

I just got my Karma a few days ago and was wondering if there is a setting for the sound recording.
All the flights that I've done are muted and I can't find how to turn it on.

If anyone knows how it works, please let me know.
Cheers :)
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There's a setting within the controller preferences, but since I don't have mine in front of me I can't give you exact steps.
The props screw up the sound. This is why big brother go pro decided to lower the volume almost to mute.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I have the same issue....no sound. I did check the controller and the only sound control is for the karma controller volume, not recording volume. Does anyone have recording sound?
I am playing back on my laptop using quick and playing back from camera. Both no sound.
The default setting is for sound recording to be off, as that is what most prefer, great feature IMO.
If you want sound just change the setting on the Karma controller and set it to record.
Also even when it is set to mute, the sound files are still there, you can easily open them up in post edit either using Quik or any of the better editing programs
Thanks, i'm looking now in the preferences menu on the controller and don't see the option to record sound. There is only the volume option.
Thanks, i'm looking now in the preferences menu on the controller and don't see the option to record sound. There is only the volume option.

Nevermind:) just found it Going through all the menus to get discover this thing.
The other thing to note is that even when you have the sound muted via the controller, the GoPro still records sound and stores it in a .WAV file that is separate to the .MP4. You can retrieve this audio by browsing the relevant directory on the SD card.
Great! Thanks for the info. Now my big debate is should i get a 3rd battery. Anybody using a landing pad? Just asking
No landing pad - I launch off my backpack and catch for landing in grassy/dusty areas.
Hi there, i have also just bought a karma drone and have the same issues as others regarding the sound . I have read the threads and understand about the muted preferences switch. However, unless im mistaken i enabled the sound and the flight was still silent on playback through the mp4 file. so, !! what i would like to know is how i can drag and drop the wave file into the sound studio as directed. I can drag the file but it just pops out . I am thinking that the wave file may need to be converted first??? at this joint I am lost!! PLEASE HELP..lol cheers Q
This is very easy, took me a while to find out tho - Prepare your Drone for flight. On the Controller you will see a camera logo on the bottom right of the controller screen. Click on the camera logo and sound setting will be near the bottom of the available options

Hi guys,

I just got my Karma a few days ago and was wondering if there is a setting for the sound recording.
All the flights that I've done are muted and I can't find how to turn it on.

If anyone knows how it works, please let me know.
Cheers :)
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I am curious to know what good use is it to turn on audio recording while flying Karma? What is useful about recording the loud noise of the props?

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