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Second Video: Around Canyon Lake TX


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2018
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Same disclaimer as the last video: I am learning to fly and to edit. It is all a work in progress.
Thanks for sharing your footage! I got into this hobby more for the photography angle than the flying angle. So much to learn! Not just about drone flying...but about camera angles, Camera Settings, lighting...setting up your shots... There are so many tips and tricks to create "more cinematic" shots, and then...the editing and processing afterwards. Music, transitions, additional sound effects, etc...Color Correction alone can take years to master...

Don't know if you are already using it, but Davinci Resolve 15 (Beta) is a FREE professional level editing software. It has a VERY steep learning curve, but you can pretty much do everything with it.

Quite honestly...I was happy with "Windows Movie Maker", as it was a very simple...quick and dirty way to edit footage together, and I debated a looooong time before I decided to go down the rabbit hole, and starting to use a full featured editing software. I didn't know if I had the patience to sit through hours of Video editing tutorials...but it has been quite helpful, and has really helped me take my videos to the next level. once I got the hang of it...editing a quick video together is simple enough...and the upsides of the additional tools outweigh the downside of switching to a much more complex tool.
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Thank you for the recommendation- I am going to download and play with it a bit.
I was using ShotCut or Quik for the two videos so far, but would probably enjoy learning to use something more capable.
Thank you for the recommendation- I am going to download and play with it a bit.
I was using ShotCut or Quik for the two videos so far, but would probably enjoy learning to use something more capable.

Honestly...if you "play with it" it might just be frustrating... that was my experience anyway. I couldn't figure out how to do the simplest thing. The actual manual is something like 1000 pages long...and I'm not exaggerating. The vast majority of the stuff in the manual is stuff that you would never use anyway...so I don't advise reading the manual either, LOL.

The happy medium is to watch an introduction video on youtube that can give you a quick tutorial on how to load, edit, colorize, and export your content.

Here is an hour long tutorial that is actually pretty good, and even at a hour, just barely covers the surface of what you can do with this tool:

If an hour seems too long...I'm sure there are shorter videos that will distill it even further as needed.

Youtube is also a fantastic place to get advice from folks that are true artists when it comes to drone videography, and avoiding common mistakes that people make. The more I learn...the less I realize I actually know...
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An hour is only long if you aren't interested...I will find the time. Thanks for the video!
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Hmmm will have to try that sw out.
Great video mate!
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