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Proximity sensors


New Member
Oct 7, 2018
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Greetings, I just got into drones and decided on the karma due the the deal and my need for getting deals.

I was going to get something with collision detection but I am a tinkerer and got to thinking.

Has anyone thought of adding audible proximity sensors to your drone? Just something to give a beep and say you about to crash playa!

I've found some inexpensive ones that are used on cleaning robots and some other uses.

Again, its just something like a heads up as it is hard to judge distance to objects with it sometimes.


That sounds like an interesting plan.
Where would the warning sound eminate from though? The controller or the drone?
I suppose you would have to balance the wight too, no?
Ditto on that question Ironspear.

Either way...tinker on!
I guess the sound would have to be onboard and fly with sound on? I dunno bout that one. Would take another transmitter to send a signal back, more added weight. Im still researching, will probably buy a borked one and use it my guinea pig.
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Great idea, keep the sound on when recording then you may be able to hear it.
Since GoPro decided to give up production. Is there anyone that I can get
parts from the original suppliers. I have two complete drones, which I
love flying, but I am sure over time I will need replacement items.
Since GoPro decided to give up production. Is there anyone that I can get
parts from the original suppliers. I have two complete drones, which I
love flying, but I am sure over time I will need replacement items.

Gopro sells parts. Once they are out of stock, you either find them second hand, or you find a way to 3D print and manufacturer yourself.

The “original suppliers” usually creates parts in batches per Gopros order. They don’t tend to keep extras on hand. An exception might be a particular motor, microchip, antenna, or circuit board that is used in other products, but typically these are integrated parts that are very difficult to repair on your own. For example, if you had a bad motor, it would be much easer to replace that specific arm, rather than trying to replace an individual motor. Gopro sells arms for about $50 a piece.
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