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Ochkham Cricket Club, Surrey, UK

Nice photo mate!
I see Ockham...where's the razor?

OK...that was the worst, nerdiest pun/attempt at a joke ever.
A good view Kaddy 64. My old home is at Cookham on Thames. Let me know if you are ever in the area as I am now living in Victoria, BC, Canada. In two months time I will be flying my drone on the island of Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. I wonder if Ironspear has ever been there? This will be my 14th visit to this Pacific gem.
Hiya James.
I have been as far out as New Caledonia and Vanuatu with a cruise I went on.
Not made it to the Cook Islands. What makes you come all the way out there for a holiday?
It looks like a beaut place though. You have family there?
Hi Ironspear, No it is not that far when you fly from Vancouver to Rarotonga. No we have no family there, but I have got to know so many people there over the past thirteen years who treat us like family. As I buzz around the island on my Yamaha scooter, with a friendly wave and a "Kia Orana Papa James!" We also have met people there from Norway and Sweden and even Finland. There is a lot to learn about the Maori people who drifted over gradually from South America dropping off at other Pacific islands on the way westward. If you want to hear good island music, then look up the name Bobby Browne. Both he and his son are well known along with his duet singing nieces.
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What a beautiful tranquil spot to have a holiday. Great footage James!
A good view Kaddy 64. My old home is at Cookham on Thames. Let me know if you are ever in the area as I am now living in Victoria, BC, Canada. In two months time I will be flying my drone on the island of Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. I wonder if Ironspear has ever been there? This will be my 14th visit to this Pacific gem.

I’ll be in Fiji in the near future. My first trip there. Practically a hop, skip, and a jump from the Cook Islands.

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