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May 14, 2017
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My first flight with Karma went okay, I had really a nice flight for about 18 minutes. On my second flight I took the drone to the same place, when I turned the drone on, the controller said "need to download updates" I took the drone and made a wifi hotspot with the phone. It downloaded updates for the drone/controller/stabilisator (version 1.5) and hero 5 camera (version 2.0) The downloading and installing went well. I took it back to fly, and then it couldn't find GPS signal. The drone has not been able to find a GPS signal since I downloaded the updates. It can only fly without GPS. I tried to reset the controller etc. How do I solve this problem? I'm flying in an area with no trees or buildings. And my Garmin GPS on my snowmobile shows a lot of satellites, so lack of satellites should not be an issue. Would be grateful for any help!
You will need to calibrate the drone again after installing the new updates.
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Someone has any news about the GPS problem of the Karma (¿?) Im writting frome Uruguay. My Karma is having the same problemas.
It not recognize the GPS, as soon as I touch the button of lunch. Im sorry for my primitive english.
Yesterday's beautiful day I chose to fly my dairy karma, I pulled out, calibrated, flew. I was flying over the lagoon and fields. After less than 3 minutes of flight, karma lost signal, started landing and crashed . Unfortunately, but in the water in the middle of the flood, he drowned immediately after landing, it is unrecoverable. What should I do, is there a chance of recovering something? Not with my fault lost signal
I buy the karma on 2.06.2017
My first flight with Karma went okay, I had really a nice flight for about 18 minutes. On my second flight I took the drone to the same place, when I turned the drone on, the controller said "need to download updates" I took the drone and made a wifi hotspot with the phone. It downloaded updates for the drone/controller/stabilisator (version 1.5) and hero 5 camera (version 2.0) The downloading and installing went well. I took it back to fly, and then it couldn't find GPS signal. The drone has not been able to find a GPS signal since I downloaded the updates. It can only fly without GPS. I tried to reset the controller etc. How do I solve this problem? I'm flying in an area with no trees or buildings. And my Garmin GPS on my snowmobile shows a lot of satellites, so lack of satellites should not be an issue. Would be grateful for any help!
I have exactly the same problem. After the firmware performed the calibration, but the satellites only see up to 90% after which they can not connect to them! As soon as you answer with goupro please write here!
Hey guys! My is vasco, my English is bad but I will try. I’m portuguese, the last week I bought the karma and the signal gps failed. In the takeoff had the maximum signal, flight 15 meters around me (the controller) and the final closer to me. Totally flight 5 minute, and failed gps signal and lost da signal, now karma crash. I contacted the gopro, and today I m going to answer the questionnaire. How is it possible that this equipment has system failures?

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hopefully GoPro will give you something more substantial than tell you it was your fault due to "environmental hazards" (RF/GPS interference)
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No, unfortunately they just ask about calibration and metal around! I suggested that they release a new firmware and fix all bugs but they never answered
This is still happening - GoPro are you listening? Have flown 17 successful flights since receiving the Karma last month. Now I get 'No GPS' and the 'fingerprint' sign every time I switch on. There *IS* good GPS in the area. Phone and SatMap confirmed. So even the latest firmware upgrade is still buggy - come on GoPro get your act together!
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Lost my seven week new Karma drown and Hero4 off the coast of east Maui. First flight after 1.51 update. Lost GPS shortly after takeoff, lost RTF and all control seconds later. Nothing I could but watch it vanish into the Pacific Ocean. Submitted full detail report to GoPro the next day including upload of flight logs. Still no word from GoPro. They MUST take responsibility and accountability for bad software release. I did everything by the books.
Had my karma since April. Had some loss of connections in the beginning. Did update cant even take off two feet without losing connection. Did a reset, re calibrated everything probably no lie 20 times. I'm down the beach and wanted to get some footage looks like that's not happening bummed out. Tried to fly it again it lost connection two feet off ground and flew toward me and cut my leg up real bad. So its more then apparent that the update has something screwed up in it. Hopefully we can all get answers. Sorry to hear about your loss Jnazario hope they give you a new one defiantly a bad software release. Think they did it on purpose so everyones drone just took off and crashed so they could be done with there drone failure LOL. Self destruct IN 10, 9 ,8 ,7 , LOST CONNECTION HAHAHA
Lost my seven week new Karma drown and Hero4 off the coast of east Maui. First flight after 1.51 update. Lost GPS shortly after takeoff, lost RTF and all control seconds later. Nothing I could but watch it vanish into the Pacific Ocean. Submitted full detail report to GoPro the next day including upload of flight logs. Still no word from GoPro. They MUST take responsibility and accountability for bad software release. I did everything by the books.

Sorry for your lost, but I had the same issue with losing GPS signal during flight. Gopro support is telling everyone with this issue the it's an environmental issue. They are ignoring that the either the software or hardware have issues again. Seems they are trying to keep this problem from getting into the new media since the Karma had serious crash issues on original release last year. If this issues get into the media again could mean the end for GoPro, their success pending on the Karma drone sales but no concern of the customers that have purchased the Karma product. I reported my issue to consumer reports about the danger of losing GPS control during flight. If more Karma owners report their issues then hopefully a investigation will be done on GoPro Karma issues.

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MJhayes, I believe you are spot on. I called yesterday to follow up on my "investigation" and the case was closed. No call one email as promised. This is total BS! After pressing the CS rep, Jeff, he assured me the case would be reopened and a complete investigation would be done. I received an generic email stating,

Hi Jim,

Your Karma case and flight logs are currently being reviewed. We will be reaching out to you soon to discuss the results.

Many Thanks,
GoPro Support

As of this post, nothing! If GoPro doesn't step up to the plate and make this right, there will be hell to pay.

MJhayes, what was your source / method reporting to Consumer Reports?
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MJhayes, I believe you are spot on. I called yesterday to follow up on my "investigation" and the case was closed. No call one email as promised. This is total BS! After pressing the CS rep, Jeff, he assured me the case would be reopened and a complete investigation would be done. I received an generic email stating,

Hi Jim,

Your Karma case and flight logs are currently being reviewed. We will be reaching out to you soon to discuss the results.

Many Thanks,
GoPro Support

As of this post, nothing! If GoPro doesn't step up to the plate and make this right, there will be hell to pay.

MJhayes, what was your source / method reporting to Consumer Reports?

I filed to the following agency:


They emailed and told me they forward my report to the FAA at :

FAA Headquarters
Federal Aviation Administration
800 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20591

Federal Aviation Administration

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I will do the same. I will keep all posted...

I filed to the following agency:


They emailed and told me they forward my report to the FAA at :

FAA Headquarters
Federal Aviation Administration
800 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20591

Federal Aviation Administration

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When do they post the complaints on their site? I searched gopro, karma, drone, all I saw was a parrot battery complaint.

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When do they post the complaints on their site? I searched gopro, karma, drone, all I saw was a parrot battery complaint.

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

They will not post until enough people complain about "No GPS" connection lost with the karma drone. So file a complaint with them.
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Any of you guys got any updates from
GoPro customer service ? Mine took off away from me and crashed into a tree. Called customer service and started a case .

Your Karma case and flight logs are currently being reviewed. We will be reaching out to you soon to discuss the results.

Many Thanks,
GoPro Support

That was the last thing I got couple days ago

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