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New blades required. Which ones and where to buy?


Feb 27, 2018
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I had a slight mishap and as a result i required 4 new props/blades. Having carried a quick Google search i have found OEM units for £50 or Ebay units for around £12 a set of four. Now i do not belive in buying cheap however nor do i like getting stuffed for a few pieces of plastic. Any advice on which replacement blades i would be better purchasing would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Hi Dario,
Yes it seems Karma parts in uk are £££ as is the karma itself.
I actually bought a karma kit for my friend and bringing it over when i visit in April. I fear i will be doing same when he needs spare parts. The OEM blades set of 4 in US are $20, i guess £16 exchange rate. I too fear buying the knock offs, but iv no good suggestion m8, you may be forced to.
, ive been an active member on a motorcycle forum where i used to help oz and uk members by purchasing parts here and dispatching them, as us dealers dont like shipping int’l... let me weigh and price the parcel cost of a set of 4 to uk, im sure ill need to know eventually as my comrade will need a batch here and there and he wont pay £50 eother for 4 little gizmo’s. Haha.
OR, you can try the knockoffs and post a review.?
Then all can know for true if they need oem, or can go the aftermarket route.
Thanks for the suggestion. I think i will purchase blades from Amazon US. Looks like they will work out around £30 with postage and import tax. Now these blades are still not OME however there are enough reviews from purchaser for me to make an informed choice (as opposed to no reviews from Ebay).

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Thanks for the suggestion. I think i will purchase blades from Amazon US. Looks like they will work out around £30 with postage and import tax. Now these blades are still not OME however there are enough reviews from purchaser for me to make an informed choice (as opposed to no reviews from Ebay).


When you try them, please post pic of the ones you selected, and give us a review of quality, sound level, etc?
Best wishes, and thanksfor post.
G'day mate.
Have a look at this page.

I have bought props for the karma from them and they are great.
Excellent fast service/delivery.

They are even a little bit quieter than the originals.
G'day mate.
Have a look at this page.

I have bought props for the karma from them and they are great.
Excellent fast service/delivery.

They are even a little bit quieter than the originals.

Thanks for the recommendation. These were the ones i was looking at on Amazon US and have now ordered 2 sets.
please attach review once received, but be mindful not to give our beloved Mr. Hatch an ulcer with our outside the box rebellions! Cheers M8 ;)

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