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My first (non)video


Jan 8, 2018
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Hi. Just made my second flight and gradually learning and gaining confidence. Went to a beautiful English Castle and everything looked good. BUT the camera didnt record video. Later I tried everything but could not get go pro to record on the Karma, only hand held. Any ideas friend pilots?
I suppose that I have to pose the question, you did push the “record” button, correct?

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Oh yes. Just tried Again indoors with no Blades and it Worked. Strange!!!!!
So my first flight I didn't realize it but you need to turn the camera on separate from turning the drone on. Other wise you are just viewing through the camera but the camera features are not active... Maybe that helps...
So my first flight I didn't realize it but you need to turn the camera on separate from turning the drone on. Other wise you are just viewing through the camera but the camera features are not active... Maybe that helps...
No the camera should completely turn on with the drone, sometimes there is a glitch with the stabilizer where it dosent turn the camera on or the drone doesn’t detect it.
To fix this just simply detach and reattach the stabilizer to the drone, and if that dosent work, the best thing to do is completely turn off the drone and wait a second then turn it back on.
Only a few times have I ever had the camera view come thru but was not reactive, this did not come up as an error but the drone would not fly and I was not able to tilt the camera remotely, so I restarted the drone and all was well.
Yeah, I sometimes encounter a glitch to where the drone never recognizes my GoPro Hero 6. Normally all I have to do it just turn it off, and back on and all is well.
Maybe I sm just thick or unlucky, but my camera never starts recording when the drone fires up. I remove the camera serval times. I start recording manually, etc, but all a bit of a pain!

Also had - several times-"Karma not found" on controller.
Is this just me or is the Karma a temperamental beast? Getting used to the idea of turning on the camera to record before take off. Getting used to sometimes controler not finding Karma. Passenger has not connected even once. Now I have went out, with all batteries charged etc. But the controller wont work. It has the power switch light on the time and wont turn off nor do anything at all !!!! Should I just return it for money back?-that will be a pain having bought spare batteries and blades. Getting desperate.
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My experience has been that the camera does power on with Karma but starting recording doesn't work with controller. I have learned that if I switch mode to photo on the controller touch screen, I can then snap a photo and then after switching back to video mode it works correctly.

Another time, I used orbit and then cable cam and the video recording began automatically when before I could not start manually with controller.

Starting the recording is certainly not working correctly for me but I've only flown Karma 3 times and yet to get things figured out so have not ruled out user error.

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