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Limited range


New Member
Oct 21, 2017
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I'm starting to get limited range due to poor connection with the drone. The most I've gotten recently is about 1400 feet. Often it's less - as little as 900 feet. My maximum range is set at about 3200 ft. so I'm no where close to that limit. I've downloaded all the latest upgrades for all equipment - no change. Anyone else having this trouble and was able to overcome it? Thanks
Depends on where you are flying. The closer you are to WiFi sources etc., the shorter the range. The background noise floor greatly affects range. Keep controller pointed towards craft. They use patch type antennas that are directional.

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Depends on where you are flying. The closer you are to WiFi sources etc., the shorter the range. The background noise floor greatly affects range. Keep controller pointed towards craft. They use patch type antennas that are directional.

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Thanks very much for your reply. On my last test I started out in an open park but the drone started having connection problems as it got close to condo buildings - but not extremely close - maybe 400 feet or so. Could it be that sensitive to wifi? I'll try it in a completely open area next
For WiFi 400-ft is not that far away if you consider all the potential sources. Hard to tell.

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Flew in completely open area today - no buildings for miles - and went as far as 2900 feet, so very likely that wifi interference was the problem. Thanks JCLs
Glad it worked out for you.

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