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Latest Update is available! V2.0 with Follow me


Active Member
Apr 6, 2017
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Been waiting a long time for this, can’t wait to test it out!

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Mine has updated successfully, but it's now downloading everything a second time. Anyone else had that problem?
I know in the past people have been suspicious of Karma firmware upgrades. Normally I'd hold off for a few days, but I'm taking my Karma on a family camping trip tomorrow and I really want the new Cable Cam features and the "above the horizon" camera angle.

This afternoon I took my Karma out to my local "test range" (just a nice wide-open rural area where I've had good range in the past). I thought you'd like to know what's new.

  1. The first thing I noticed was during compass calibration. It now speaks to you after your first turn to tell you that it was successful. This is a nice touch - at least you don't have to keep your eyes on the controller.
  2. The green battery indicator at the top now includes a yellow and red diamond to indicate where Karma expects the "low" and "very low" battery warnings to kick in. Nice touch. Now you won't be surprised to see you don't have much battery left. These indicators move depending on how you're flying and how far from home you are.
  3. The camera tilt angle above the horizon has a maximum of 15º. The only downside to this is that you have to watch carefully if you want 0º of tilt as it no longer stops at that point.
  4. "Follow" and "Watch" auto-shot paths worked as expected, but it's not perfect; it doesn't keep you perfectly centred, but it's close. They're not features I can see myself using, but I suppose it's nice the options are there.
  5. The new Cable Cam is great. I plotted five points without any trouble (it did tell me that points needed to be more than five metres apart), then sent the drone on it's merry way. It replayed the points in reverse initially, and then played them in the same order I plotted them. The camera panned smoothly to the position it was in when I set the points; I'd like to try it again to see if I have panning control as it travels between the points because that would be awesome.
  6. A couple of times I saw the props in the shot, which has very rarely ever happened. It may have been because I had the camera pointed up slightly, and I did turn very hard in windy conditions. Something to watch out for in future.
  7. The stabiliser seemed to be a little less stable than in the past, almost like a return to the bad old days when Karma was first released. Maybe I was just unlucky today.
  8. The drone otherwise operated as expected.
The only problem I experienced was after switching batteries. After powering on, the camera failed to connect. After a lot of troubleshooting (pulling out the stabiliser, pulling out the battery, removing the camera, even a controller reset), I found that the camera itself wasn't turning on, or even charging via the car's USB connection. I finally managed to get it to wake up after I pulled it's battery out. It's been flawless since then, but it was a bit weird. The only thing I can think of that might have contributed to the issue was that I accidentally removed the drone battery before I shut it down. I've never done that before, but I tried it again after I got home and couldn't reproduce the problem.

Looking forward to getting out and making some family videos. I think it's safe to fly.

Hope that helps.
I know in the past people have been suspicious of Karma firmware upgrades. Normally I'd hold off for a few days, but I'm taking my Karma on a family camping trip tomorrow and I really want the new Cable Cam features and the "above the horizon" camera angle.

This afternoon I took my Karma out to my local "test range" (just a nice wide-open rural area where I've had good range in the past). I thought you'd like to know what's new.

  1. The first thing I noticed was during compass calibration. It now speaks to you after your first turn to tell you that it was successful. This is a nice touch - at least you don't have to keep your eyes on the controller.
  2. The green battery indicator at the top now includes a yellow and red diamond to indicate where Karma expects the "low" and "very low" battery warnings to kick in. Nice touch. Now you won't be surprised to see you don't have much battery left. These indicators move depending on how you're flying and how far from home you are.
  3. The camera tilt angle above the horizon has a maximum of 15º. The only downside to this is that you have to watch carefully if you want 0º of tilt as it no longer stops at that point.
  4. "Follow" and "Watch" auto-shot paths worked as expected, but it's not perfect; it doesn't keep you perfectly centred, but it's close. They're not features I can see myself using, but I suppose it's nice the options are there.
  5. The new Cable Cam is great. I plotted five points without any trouble (it did tell me that points needed to be more than five metres apart), then sent the drone on it's merry way. It replayed the points in reverse initially, and then played them in the same order I plotted them. The camera panned smoothly to the position it was in when I set the points; I'd like to try it again to see if I have panning control as it travels between the points because that would be awesome.
  6. A couple of times I saw the props in the shot, which has very rarely ever happened. It may have been because I had the camera pointed up slightly, and I did turn very hard in windy conditions. Something to watch out for in future.
  7. The stabiliser seemed to be a little less stable than in the past, almost like a return to the bad old days when Karma was first released. Maybe I was just unlucky today.
  8. The drone otherwise operated as expected.
The only problem I experienced was after switching batteries. After powering on, the camera failed to connect. After a lot of troubleshooting (pulling out the stabiliser, pulling out the battery, removing the camera, even a controller reset), I found that the camera itself wasn't turning on, or even charging via the car's USB connection. I finally managed to get it to wake up after I pulled it's battery out. It's been flawless since then, but it was a bit weird. The only thing I can think of that might have contributed to the issue was that I accidentally removed the drone battery before I shut it down. I've never done that before, but I tried it again after I got home and couldn't reproduce the problem.

Looking forward to getting out and making some family videos. I think it's safe to fly.

Hope that helps.

Thank you very much for your clearifying comments. I have just downloaded Ver 2.00, and briefly tested "Follow" outside my house. I look forward to using "Follow" when the ski and snow mobile season starts in a month or two.
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Thank you very much for your clearifying comments. I have just downloaded Ver 2.00, and briefly tested "Follow" outside my house. I look forward to using "Follow" when the ski and snow mobile season starts in a month or two
After updating my Karma it appears that there are two updates for the process to complete. The first download/ update is for the Stabilizer and Drone with a minor update to the controller. The first update to the controller must prepare it for the much larger update that you must do second. On the second update the camera, stabilizer and drone are already checked off as updated.
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Downloaded yesterday and tried out the follow me feature from my 70 stingray in my subdivision... worked good... I was pumped!
Charged the batteries and headed out to my favorite park with my new Vette for the money shot... Launched... took it up to 80' and the controller displayed too high to follow... then too close to follow...
Okay glitch... rebooted drone and controller...
launched again... took it up about 100' and it followed about 75 to 80 feet behind... nice shot... worked great!
Drove for about a mile and then lost signal... it landed in place, thankfully clearing the trees...
rebooted again... it would take off, but only to about 2 feet, not the usual 4 or 5 and I couldn't get control of it...
It would display lost signal and wouldn't reacquire... and again land in place... the running lights would blink on and off with the power button blinking red...
I would try to power down drone... long sets of beeps, blinking running lights taking as long as 1-2 minutes to turn off and power button continued to blink until I pulled the battery :(
Hoping its a bad firmware download... tried reinstalling firmware on controller... still no joy
Only had this thing for 7 weeks with maybe 10 hrs flight time tops... never crashed...
Obviously couldn't get a hold of anyone at GOPRO on the weekend, even with launch of new firmware...
Not looking forward to time lost on the customer support maze... brushing up on my Indian accent...
Hopefully I can mitigate before next weekends Tail of the dragon run and zip lining the Gorge
Any input? If not wish me luck...
Downloaded yesterday and tried out the follow me feature from my 70 stingray in my subdivision... worked good... I was pumped!
Charged the batteries and headed out to my favorite park with my new Vette for the money shot... Launched... took it up to 80' and the controller displayed too high to follow... then too close to follow...
Okay glitch... rebooted drone and controller...
launched again... took it up about 100' and it followed about 75 to 80 feet behind... nice shot... worked great!
Drove for about a mile and then lost signal... it landed in place, thankfully clearing the trees...
rebooted again... it would take off, but only to about 2 feet, not the usual 4 or 5 and I couldn't get control of it...
It would display lost signal and wouldn't reacquire... and again land in place... the running lights would blink on and off with the power button blinking red...
I would try to power down drone... long sets of beeps, blinking running lights taking as long as 1-2 minutes to turn off and power button continued to blink until I pulled the battery :(
Hoping its a bad firmware download... tried reinstalling firmware on controller... still no joy
Only had this thing for 7 weeks with maybe 10 hrs flight time tops... never crashed...
Obviously couldn't get a hold of anyone at GOPRO on the weekend, even with launch of new firmware...
Not looking forward to time lost on the customer support maze... brushing up on my Indian accent...
Hopefully I can mitigate before next weekends Tail of the dragon run and zip lining the Gorge
Any input? If not wish me luck...

How did you get on? any luck? Im downloading now as I speak
Crap. They never said two parts to download but now my controller insisting on update and update keeps failing. Love it

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Update. Downloaded and says all up to date already??? OK. Flew fine yesterday.

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