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Karma would not land after low power warning


Sep 9, 2017
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This happened today and was VERY weird. Had 3 minutes of battery left and received the warning as usual, flew Karma back to were I was standing (same place as launch) which took about 30 seconds. While landing and about 3 feet from the ground, Karma started to lift back up! I assume it was trying to do a return to location, but I was at the location. I pulled the remote down to land the drone, but it just hovered at the 3 foot. When I released the lever, it would start climbing! I grabbed the landing gear and the released the lever and the props when full speed climb until the batter expired! Very scary. It took about 45 seconds until the drone was dead!
I have my return to home height set at 150ft. would that cause an issue?
Seems like when flying on low battery, if its not landed before the second warning, Karma tries to fly back up to the return to launch site height and then land. Shit, by that time it will fall from the sky when the battery is dead!
I had the same thing happen to me. After my initial panic the solution for me was to acknowledge the low battery warning by hitting the X near the warning message. Like closing out a window on a computer. After that I was able to land myself. Seems like a design flaw to have it try and ascend while the controller is saying go down!

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Ok that makes sense. I thought that if I tried to override the RTH manually through the joysticks, it would respond fully. But I guess when the program is started, the only way to cancel is to exit out. I will exit out next time and see if I can take full control. I can fly it home faster that the RTH program.
Just to make sure I fully understand all issues, if I keep hitting X and closing out of the low battery programs, it will manually fly till the battery is dead correct? Then it will fall to the ground at whatever height Karma is at?
I’m not sure what will happen if you keep hitting it. I only had to close that menus once and then I landed so I’m not sure what would happen if you kept flying. My guess is that it would just die in the air and fall.

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I had the same problem except mine plunged into the ground!!
I don't want to sound like some of these old dogs I here but you have to read the manual, fellas. It outlines this exact scenario.
as above, you need to cancel the RTH with the 'X' icon otherwise it is going to continue to do as programmed and fly to the RTH height, even if you are within MTRs of the launch/land location,
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Where do I find the manual? I did not receive one with the drone. I went to the GoPro site, but could not find where to download.
Why is it that GoPro does not include a user manual with Karma?
All that was in my stuff was a getting started short introductory.
Hardly anyone includes a manual anymore except online. I went to look and whole manual section on GoPro site down right now. They need to do much better job of pushing the manual. I flew RC Helies and built my own quads long before I bought a Karma but knew I had to read up on Karma systems before flying. I suspect many here do not see that need. GoPro really weak in that area right now. I have March issue of Karma Manual, PM me if you want but get new manual from GoPro site if they ever get it fixed.

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Thanks. I downloaded one from the site Lon listed above. Seems to be an older version, but gave me good information that I did not know. Seems many issues that people are having issues on this site would be better understood if a manual, or at least a notification to go and find one, would have been given with the drone.
Thanks. I downloaded one from the site Lon listed above. Seems to be an older version, but gave me good information that I did not know. Seems many issues that people are having issues on this site would be better understood if a manual, or at least a notification to go and find one, would have been given with the drone.

True , true... Mine came with a manual so I'm not sure when they stopped that.

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