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Karma Nightmare


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2018
Reaction score
California, USA
I had an extremely vivid nightmare last night. I dreamt I was flying in an autumn wooded area. I got distracted by something, and had to set the controller down to take care of it.

The drone was hovering in the air, but I noticed it was slowing drifting down as if it was going to land itself, and was precarious close to a large tree stump jutting out of the ground. It was just millimeters away from the stump and I could hear the propellers just starting to make contact as the drone rested on the ground but too close to the stump.

I ran back and grabbed my controller, pressing the ascention control, and the drone shot up into the air and into the tree line and I lost track of it.

I pressed slightly down on the controls and watched as my drone suddenly appeared, but drifted forward into some bare tree branches that had already lost most of their leaves.

The drone jerked as it caught a small branch but continued to fly with a bit of difficulty and some jitters. I began to think, just for a second, that I might be able to save it, but it sudenly hit a larger branch, and without warning, launched straight accross the field like a missile, crashing at full speed into a tree trunk.

The drone figuritively exploded, with body parts flying in separate directions. The body landed in a pile of dry leaves which promptly caught fire. :eek:

I quickly ran over and and stomped out the small fire and surveyed the damage. The body was a complete loss, broken and covered in battery acid, I could see the stabilizer had been snapped in half with part attached to the body, but no camera to be found. I dug through the leaves and found the camera unexplicibly attached to what was left of the stabilizer, but also in a GoPro dive suit swimimimg in battery acid, and covered in acid on the outside as well.

My heart was swimming in emotions. What was I going to tell my wife? Was I going to be able to afford another drone? Could I find all the pieces to avoid littering? What else did I need to do to avoid further fire?

That’s when I woke up and assured myself that my Karma was safe and sound in her case, and that it was just a nightmare. It was 3:30am. I grabbed a glass of water. Let my heart beat return to normal and went back to bed.

Do I have too much Karma on the brain?:)
I had an extremely vivid nightmare last night. I dreamt I was flying in an autumn wooded area. I got distracted by something, and had to set the controller down to take care of it.

The drone was hovering in the air, but I noticed it was slowing drifting down as if it was going to land itself, and was precarious close to a large tree stump jutting out of the ground. It was just millimeters away from the stump and I could hear the propellers just starting to make contact as the drone rested on the ground but too close to the stump.

I ran back and grabbed my controller, pressing the ascention control, and the drone shot up into the air and into the tree line and I lost track of it.

I pressed slightly down on the controls and watched as my drone suddenly appeared, but drifted forward into some bare tree branches that had already lost most of their leaves.

The drone jerked as it caught a small branch but continued to fly with a bit of difficulty and some jitters. I began to think, just for a second, that I might be able to save it, but it sudenly hit a larger branch, and without warning, launched straight accross the field like a missile, crashing at full speed into a tree trunk.

The drone figuritively exploded, with body parts flying in separate directions. The body landed in a pile of dry leaves which promptly caught fire. :eek:

I quickly ran over and and stomped out the small fire and surveyed the damage. The body was a complete loss, broken and covered in battery acid, I could see the stabilizer had been snapped in half with part attached to the body, but no camera to be found. I dug through the leaves and found the camera unexplicibly attached to what was left of the stabilizer, but also in a GoPro dive suit swimimimg in battery acid, and covered in acid on the outside as well.

My heart was swimming in emotions. What was I going to tell my wife? Was I going to be able to afford another drone? Could I find all the pieces to avoid littering? What else did I need to do to avoid further fire?

That’s when I woke up and assured myself that my Karma was safe and sound in her case, and that it was just a nightmare. It was 3:30am. I grabbed a glass of water. Let my heart beat return to normal and went back to bed.

Do I have too much Karma on the brain?:)

Wow that’s next level commitment to your karma hahah.

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"Do I have too much Karma on the brain?:) "


And as a medical professional I think you should really seek help mate. lmao!
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