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KARMA firmware 2.0 available (Follow Me, Waypoints, camera tilt above horizon)

Downloaded yesterday and tried out the follow me feature from my 70 stingray in my subdivision... worked good... I was pumped!
Charged the batteries and headed out to my favorite park with my new Vette for the money shot... Launched... took it up to 80' and the controller displayed too high to follow... then too close to follow...
Okay glitch... rebooted drone and controller...
launched again... took it up about 100' and it followed about 75 to 80 feet behind... nice shot... worked great!
Drove for about a mile and then lost signal... it landed in place, thankfully clearing the trees...
rebooted again... it would take off, but only to about 2 feet, not the usual 4 or 5 and I couldn't get control of it...
It would display lost signal and wouldn't reacquire... and again land in place... the running lights would blink on and off with the power button blinking red...
I would try to power down drone... long sets of beeps, blinking running lights taking as long as 1-2 minutes to turn off and power button continued to blink until I pulled the battery :(
Hoping its a bad firmware download... tried reinstalling firmware on controller... still no joy
Only had this thing for 7 weeks with maybe 10 hrs flight time tops... never crashed...
Obviously couldn't get a hold of anyone at GOPRO on the weekend, even with launch of new firmware...
Not looking forward to time lost on the customer support maze... brushing up on my Indian accent...
Hopefully I can mitigate before next weekends Tail of the dragon run and zip lining the Gorge
Any input? If not wish me luck...

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