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Dec 13, 2017
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Are there any reports of the Karma 2 falling from the sky like the original Karma?

I ask as mine did about a week ago, from 400ft no indication just came crashing down, camera was recording at the time.


Are there any reports of the Karma 2 falling from the sky like the original Karma?

I ask as mine did about a week ago, from 400ft no indication just came crashing down, camera was recording at the time.


Mine did just this Friday night; they are trying to blame WiFi interruption and battery drainage. This was right after I just swapped out a new battery, I even sent them a picture of the fully charged battery after the wreck.
Hello JJ
Gopro have said the following 'Per the video you have provided it's clear to us that a manufacturer defect was present and therefore led to the crash' However they have not been very forthcoming in regards to what could have caused the crash.

I am concerned that if I had not been able to recover the Karma (it crashed on to ice from 400ft) and recover the hero 5 which was recording at the time of the crash what they would have said. The footage looks exactly like what was happening to the Karma before the recall.


Hi, I have just bought a new Karma package last Saturday from a local authorized GoPro dealer. Updated, calibrated & charged all software and hardware as indicated. Successfully completed 2 simple test flights on my roof of 1 minute each. On my 3rd test flight the Karma drone took off and moved to its left, I got it back to its position and as soon as I left the controls it moved again to its left in a higher speed and crashed into a wall more the 10mtrs away. All propellors are broken and the gimbal is damaged too. Drone lights on but I cannot test if it is damaged or not. Camera is ok. I have taken the drone back to the seller and am waiting for a solution. Any suggestions on this case? thanks
Sounds a lot like what happened to me. I had two good flights last Friday, each about 15 minutes. Returned to launch after the 2nd flight to swap out battery for a new one and after launch the Karma went all haywire. GoPro is trying to blame it on Battery drainage and WiFi interference. I tested the Wifi in that are last night and the strongest signal was -78dBm. Hopefully you had the video recording at the time of the crash. They will probably have you upload that and the flight logs to them.

Were your flights back-to-back?

Yip Purchased my new Karma last 16/12/17 Saturday from the gopro dealer did the necessary charge update with Hero 6 all connected Tuesday morning had excelent flights of 5min each ,Wednesday attemted to do the same with excellent condition .Take off using auto lauch manoevered manually to 10m altitude a voice warning compass connection you need to land immediatly lost compass conection
Unsucessfull tried to ge control to land karma ,was moving all over the show eventually after a couple of seconds flew away out of control into an natural earthly embankment broke all blades and battery lay next to the craft
Awaiting new blades and ordered new battery
Very Dissapointing
Hi all, I'm new here :) Me too same thing as above happened to me this morning on my 2nd attempt to fly my new karma. 1st flight all ok all happy happy, 2nd flight was asked to calibrate so i did, activated auto launch but stopped at 2 feet and veered to the left ending up crashing in a low boundary wall and breaking 3 propellers :(
I wonder if last two posters ever read the whole Karma manual?

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Same thibg happened to me in my first flight, i manage to land "softly" the first time, the second one though i broke a blade while trying to balance the aircraft as it was getting away from me on its own....
How big a SD card is being used in the case of drones crashing?
Got a theory that if the SD card is to small and do not allow enough data flow (less then 150 bites/sec), then the drone will loose communications with the controller and crash.
Remember it is only theory, I might be wrong.
It would be nice if someone could verify or toss that theory. :)
I am not sure if any of the replies have had a similar experience to mine, the crash that my Karma suffered had the same crash profile as the original Karma, which is quite worrying. Gopro still have not said much other than ..... 'Per the video you have provided it's clear to us that a manufacturer defect was present and therefore led to the crash' ......

What is the best point of contact in the UK for GoPro?



PS If anyone wishes to view the crash I can provide a Dropbox link

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