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Plz give some pointers about this platform since I am use to dji. Thanks
Hiya Gilbo9201!
I haven't used any DJI equipment so can't compare.
I can say though that the Karma is a very easy drone to fly but you have to watch it all the time.
It doesn't have all the sensors that DJI and other similar products have.
Bur it is a very robust and steady aerial camera platform.
Have fun.
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The Karma is stripped down to the basics. I recommend testing it out in basic wide open areas, being careful until you get a feel for it.

I’ve got some fantastic footage using this drone, but keep in mind that in an “Apples to Apples comparison you are comparing a $300 drone packaged with an action camera and other accessories to an $800 or more DJI Drone that is just s drone.

The vast majority of folks that have used both find the Karma to be inferior, but I have talked with a small few that prefer the Karma. They site camera improvement, and the lack of obstical avoidance features as a plus.
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I have both the Karma and a Mavic Pro.

I mainly care about the video quality which is why I typically only take the Karma out now. I take the mavic out mainly if I just want to fly a drone, or in the rare case where I am really tight for space with other camera equipment.

The Mavic is easier to fly (and overall better flying drone), especially for beginners and those that fly OOS that rely on sensors for obstacle avoidance. If you were like me and disabled it, then you will not see much of a difference flying between the two.

As far as any pointers, just ease into flying the drone at far distances especially if you relied on obstacle avoidance. Everything else, like a pre-flight checklist and checking flying conditions, should be the same as what you are used to
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I have both the Karma and a Mavic Pro.

I mainly care about the video quality which is why I typically only take the Karma out now. I take the mavic out mainly if I just want to fly a drone, or in the rare case where I am really tight for space with other camera equipment.

The Mavic is easier to fly (and overall better flying drone), especially for beginners and those that fly OOS that rely on sensors for obstacle avoidance. If you were like me and disabled it, then you will not see much of a difference flying between the two.

As far as any pointers, just ease into flying the drone at far distances especially if you relied on obstacle avoidance. Everything else, like a pre-flight checklist and checking flying conditions, should be the same as what you are used to

I saw this quote the other day, and wanted to share it:

"While obstacle-avoidance sensors are now a must-have feature of any drone, the best way to keep your machine safe is to fly with your brain switched to the "common sense" position. "
-Digital Trends
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