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Have dead Karma, now what can I use it for?


New Member
Mar 23, 2021
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I have a Karma that will not pair with the controller. I am calling it a loss but I love to tinker and want to make either a DIY drone and use the Karma controller or use the controller on another drone. Anyone know if this controller will work on another drone?
I have the same problem.
Do we know what parts inside the drone and the controller that is being used during paring and are they exchangeable?
Might be worth trying this as GoPro are not much help if any at the moment

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Reactions: MiragePro
I hope this will solve some of the problems other users have experienced. Fortunately I'm on 2.5 and plan on not updating any further, as I have had no problems. GoPro no longer seems to care about giving good service, even with their new products. If you are on the GoPro forum, there are a lot of users with new product that can't even get a decent response from the company.
By "refuse to pair," do you mean that at start-up, the gimbal refuses to swing into position, the camera does not turn on, and the process stops? If so, that's happening with my Karma, as well.
By "refuse to pair," do you mean that at start-up, the gimbal refuses to swing into position, the camera does not turn on, and the process stops? If so, that's happening with my Karma, as well.
Sounds very similar

If you attempt to pair the drone manually does the drone timeout after several minutes and power off or does it just sit there forever ?

You can try this to fix it, I dont know if this is working for people but appeared to for this guy.


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