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GoPro karma fly off


New Member
Sep 25, 2017
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my drone flew off it took off to 230 foot in the air' ,then it went to the left my Control stop working and the drone went full speed ahead and the was the last I seen it . I went to its last location it was not there I upload the flight logs 2 week later they got back to me saying it's my fault what can I do ??
Did they mention what the cause might have been? Normally that will only happen if you have severe interference that both intercepts the signal and the GPS signal. Were you flying near heavy wifi use or power lines? If you have gopro care, thats a catch all, but otherwise you might be out of luck if it was determined to be user error.
Similar situation for me today. I was flying with complete control and GPS signal for about 7 minutes. Came back to land where I was under a giant bridge. I was about 2 feet form landing when it took control of itself, flew straight up into the bottom of the bridge and then crashed onto the road below. Completely destroyed the drone and camera. Very disappointed and customer service was very unprofessional and undertrained.
Similar situation for me today. I was flying with complete control and GPS signal for about 7 minutes. Came back to land where I was under a giant bridge. I was about 2 feet form landing when it took control of itself, flew straight up into the bottom of the bridge and then crashed onto the road below. Completely destroyed the drone and camera. Very disappointed and customer service was very unprofessional and undertrained.

I am sorry to hear about your crash Chris, but "giant bridges" typically have copious amounts of steel in them. Steel has a huge effect on the GPS signal as well as the compass. In your case, I am not surprised you suffered a catastrophic failure. Don't fly under bridges, don't fly around high voltage power lines, and don't fly in areas with high wifi interfere. These are limitations of every drone.
I am sorry to hear about your crash Chris, but "giant bridges" typically have copious amounts of steel in them. Steel has a huge effect on the GPS signal as well as the compass. In your case, I am not surprised you suffered a catastrophic failure. Don't fly under bridges, don't fly around high voltage power lines, and don't fly in areas with high wifi interfere. These are limitations of every drone.

I was able to control the drone through the bridge. I was under it and the done was above it. Then, while it is 20 feet from me, it loses connection with the controller. What doesn't make sense is the logic behind the drone's response to losing signal. Why in the world would it fly straight up into the sky with under two minutes of battery life left, it is definitely not going to land on a cloud. My thought is it should slowly descend (it only had two feet to the ground). Customer service was no help and basically said it is the same as a cell phone, you can lose service if there are obstructions. That is a bad comparison, if my phone loses reception, it doesn't jump out of my hand and smash into concrete structures and explode.
It wont make you feel better but the lost connection caused the drone to go into fly home mode. Your drone was attempting to go to the preset height before heading home. You still could have taken control if you only knew what was going on.
It wont make you feel better but the lost connection caused the drone to go into fly home mode. Your drone was attempting to go to the preset height before heading home. You still could have taken control if you only knew what was going on.
If I could have taken control, then why did it lose connection in the first place?
I don't follow what has happened here.

I was able to control the drone through the bridge. I was under it and the done was above it.

Came back to land where I was under a giant bridge. I was about 2 feet form landing when it took control of itself, flew straight up into the bottom of the bridge and then crashed onto the road below.

So can I assume that you were standing under a bridge, controlling a drone, and just prior to landing it "took control of itself"?

Sounds like one of two things happened, both of which are pre-programmed return-to-home (RTH) procedures for the drone:
  1. Your battery was low, and Karma decided to RTH to land at its launch site.
  2. Your connection to the controller was lost (something that's likely if you stand under/around large metal objects), and Karma decided to RTH to land at its launch site.
In either case, Karma will first ascend to its RTH altitude (which you can configure in the controller settings), then fly to a point above the launch site, then descend and land. If it's under a bridge when either of these scenarios occur, it's going to fly up into the bridge. It doesn't know there's a bridge there.

It wont make you feel better but the lost connection caused the drone to go into fly home mode. Your drone was attempting to go to the preset height before heading home. You still could have taken control if you only knew what was going on.

You can take control from RTH if it's the result of a low battery. You can re-take control from RTH if it's the result of a lost connection and the connection re-establishes itself.

I'd be very surprised if GoPro admitted fault on this one, but to be honest, I'd be surprised if any drone manufacturer would admit fault here. You need to understand the capabilities, limitations and behaviours of the drone. This sounds to me like known, pre-programmed behaviour, and you put it in a spot where this was a likely outcome. Sorry.
Did they mention what the cause might have been? Normally that will only happen if you have severe interference that both intercepts the signal and the GPS signal. Were you flying near heavy wifi use or power lines? If you have gopro care, thats a catch all, but otherwise you might be out of luck if it was determined to be user error.
they try to say it was the wealther first, then it was near some power lines when there then they said i could not fly it then they went on to say without the gps and the fact no manufacturing error on the flight logs they will not be unable to be covered .From when it took off i had no control of it the control pad u can clearly see this from the flight logs

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