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Flying with no gimble or camera.


Sep 12, 2020
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How many have tried this in pro flight?
Would like some imput on keeping it stable?
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Reactions: SurfDog
Hiya. I have never heard of anyone flying without a camera or gimbal.
I haven't heard of "Pro flight" either. Please enlighten us.

Have fun.
I don't believe this is possible. Without the gimbal and camera, the center of gravity would be shifted far towards the rear of the Karma and significantly mess up the flight dynamics. ...and pretty sure the drone nor controller will even start-up for flight without them both inserted.
I don't believe this is possible. Without the gimbal and camera, the center of gravity would be shifted far towards the rear of the Karma and significantly mess up the flight dynamics. ...and pretty sure the drone nor controller will even start-up for flight without them both inserted.
I don't understand. Both of the videos you show set the Karma to fly without GPS which we all know you can do at great risk. Your question was......about flying with no gimbal and camera wasn't it???

Take care.

what caused the outage? I was in Turks and Caicos last weekend flying my Karma. I calibrated the drone. All seemed fine. Within one minute of flight I lost GPS signal. Karma flew 1000 yards out to sea before “landing in place.” Total loss.
Your thoughts?

what caused the outage? I was in Turks and Caicos last weekend flying my Karma. I calibrated the drone. All seemed fine. Within one minute of flight I lost GPS signal. Karma flew 1000 yards out to sea before “landing in place.” Total loss.
Your thoughts?

Same thing happened to me in Roatan about three years ago. I communicated with GoPro and they first said it was my fault but after a little push they finally said that it seems it was partially their fault and they were willing to send me a new body only. So it ended up costing 50-50.
Thanks for sharing. I have been trying to get them to talk to me re: my flight log review but I can’t get them to reply.
Hi, flight logs download on the controller to about 60% then fail, I’ve tried this multiple times lately. If you contact gopro to request the logs they want to charge $50 ?? my karma has had a few flights lately and the first battery flight goes okay, then when I change to a second battery, after in the air a short time I receive the error like others have re gps/calibration and it’s very difficult to control and I’m a very experienced drone pilot. The karma has had 2 major crashes lately (trees and into a cliff) because I couldn’t control it, it just did it’s own thing and there was no manual way to control it. From this forum it sounds like the karma should be buried deep into a hole and forgotten about...shame but true.

what caused the outage? I was in Turks and Caicos last weekend flying my Karma. I calibrated the drone. All seemed fine. Within one minute of flight I lost GPS signal. Karma flew 1000 yards out to sea before “landing in place.” Total loss.
Your thoughts?

We can only begin to guess. Unfortunately only Gopro can read the flight logs and provide any specific feedback.
  • One thing I have picked up from other forums is that you always want to fly on recently charged batteries. battery cells automatically discharge at uneven rates, so if you put a battery in your drone that was charged a couple of weeks prior... it might appear partially full, but after a short flight the battery will suddenly die, and the drone will land in place.
  • If you manually set your drone to land in place upon loss of contact with the remote... it will do that too.
  • A bad battery could cause this problem too.
  • The Karma drone is particularly prone to wi-fi interference. the closer you are to hotels/condos/ wi-fi congestion, the more likely you will experience navigation congestion. The farther away you are from a city, town, radio tower, etc, the better.
  • when experiencing loss of GPS, the Karma can drift significantly in even the slightest breeze. If you lose GPS and hit the "panic button" (return to home), the drone may fly off in an unexpected direction and land as it no longer knows where home is.
When a drone loses GPS it handles very differently and the pilot may start to panic. If you do not have the Karma in view, you have to rely on the screen to fly it. That can be disorienting, causing the drone to go in a very different direction than what the pilot believes it is going. I have flown a drone that had no GPS assistance just for that event and have crashed it many times. That's better than crashing the Karma.
This has nothing to do with the GoPro Karma drone. Please remove it.

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