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Compass interference.


New Member
Dec 28, 2017
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On several occasions and at different locations, I start Karma and get the controller voice, compass interference, move to a new location. I fly a lot around my city and usually take off and land on concrete to try and avoid contaminating the lens with dirt or debris. Sometimes I can move it a few feet and sometimes I have to find a grassy spot or on a dirt spot. Just wondering if it could be the rebar in the concrete causing the problem.
Anyone else with this problem that may have a workaround?
On several occasions and at different locations, I start Karma and get the controller voice, compass interference, move to a new location. I fly a lot around my city and usually take off and land on concrete to try and avoid contaminating the lens with dirt or debris. Sometimes I can move it a few feet and sometimes I have to find a grassy spot or on a dirt spot. Just wondering if it could be the rebar in the concrete causing the problem.
Anyone else with this problem that may have a workaround?
Same problem. No werk around
Yes. Recalibrate and format memory. Even if you're not going to pursue FAA certification it is helpful to read through the material regarding elements of the flight environment and pre-flight procedures. Lots of resources here: Getting Started
Concrete roads/parking lots built with rebar and heavy steel wire inside them. The metal causes interference. Get Karma on dirt/grass away from vehicles, which is not always easy snd it will do fine.

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Invest in a helipad and launch from short grass where possible.
just a question, does temp mess up the compass as well, such as -14C?
I don’t believe that cold will effect compass but it will reduce flight time due to effect on battery.

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I agree, temperature will affect battery life, so don't push the limits!
I'm getting frequent compass interference messages before flight, too...and I live in a rural area.
Hi Dave,
Sorry to here your trouble. Though you are in the country, are you near any prohibited area or installations. If not you may be close to something with strong magnetic fields. What ever you do, do not disconnect the GPS system, as this may lose your control over your drone. Once you have found a clean site, then use it for all your trial and practice flights, before spreading your thoughts to new sites. Take it easy, do not rush your fences!
Our AMA field is out west of Houston and one would think relatively “clean”. Not so. Cell towers, other microwave sources and every residence these days has at least one wireless router. (I have 3 because of 3 story townhouse!) Then throw in power lines with monitoring etc. Just have to be careful.

I am not aware of any way to turn off GPS as keeps being mentioned, but it can loose signal and disconnect. Is why everyone should be able to fly a cheap quad with no GPS well before flying the Karma. Too many buy and fly for first time as it can be done. Doesn’t make it right and for sure if you have never flown without GPS and signal is lost you will swear the Karma took off on its own with no control.

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Right on JCL, one has to search for possible interference both above and below ground where re-bars can be a problem. Also a lot of WiFi frequencies are very close to the Karma frequency and produce a far stronger signal.So take care and pick your site carefully. Only fools rush in where angels fear to tread!
Hi I have I start Karma and get the controller voice, compass interference, move to a new location or calibrate compass .. I was calibrate few time and is fails and 1 time I calibrate was successful but still can’t flight the drone .. the message pop up again and show same message .. I try to move to other side and recalibrate again still fails and waste my time .. connect WiFi with my cell phone and save location map the map look grey colour and no colour .. what that mean the map grey colour ? I flight with Dji Mavic Air at same location have no issue with map and signal .. anyone know what happen ? I check my apps call UV forecast said the location have small airport .. but this area didn’t have plane this area a very very old park .. but I ask local people they said last time is a small airport .. but now didn’t have anymore .. I wonder is it the karma maps didn’t updates ?
Most likely it is still a registered no fly zone, as it could be still listed as an emergency landing strip. Also cast an eye for multi cell phone tower.
Finally I can flight karma at old small airport . Successfully calibrate compass .. am not not understand why karma take off and the map other place location .. I check few time same the map location not that place ? Anyone know the answer ?

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