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Cable Cam question


Sep 23, 2016
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Is anyone here familiar with Cable Cam on the 3DR Solo? How similar is Cable Cam on the Karma? Specifically, can you have it yaw the copter and tilt the gimbal for you with smooth transitions between each point?

Admittedly I may not have searched hard enough, but so far I've only found examples where users demonstrate that they can manually control yaw and gimbal tilt during a cable run, but no multi-point Cable Cam videos where the Karma does everything for you.

GoPro hired some of the key Solo developers when 3DR ended their consumer business. I've been holding out hope that they'd bring a Solo style Cable Cam to the Karma. Anyone know if it has?
It’s pretty much the same as the Solo’s Cable Cam. You can only have 10 points though and I don’t think it saves your paths like Solo does. I was messing around with it today quite a bit and I’m really happy with it! Very simple to set up and it seemed to work without a hitch.

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It’s pretty much the same as the Solo’s Cable Cam. You can only have 10 points though and I don’t think it saves your paths like Solo does. I was messing around with it today quite a bit and I’m really happy with it! Very simple to set up and it seemed to work without a hitch.

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So just to confirm, that's a "yes" on yaw and gimbal tilt being controlled automatically by the drone if you want? Or does it just fly from point to point?
That’s a yes. It will yaw and tilt the gimbal just like the Solo does.

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That’s a yes. It will yaw and tilt the gimbal just like the Solo does.
Well that's awesome. If it does the same smooth logarithmic easing that the Solo did, then I hope people around here realize how super great the feature is.

I've managed to get similar results on DJI gear using a third party app called Litchi, but its a bit of a pain to set up and the results are not as nice, not as professional.
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3DR Solo with Tower and Solex is still King; however, Karma does very well with the new multi point cable cam.
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