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Bad range


New Member
May 23, 2017
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Is it just me or does the Karma have bad range? I don't have the spec numbers but I'm only getting a few hundred feet before I start losing signal. I am in no way close to the limit of what they say it can do. I was flying my drone along with my friend's mavic pro and his drone goes super far where as mine loses signal easily. Thoughts?
Karma is GoPro's first drone. I'm sure they've learned alot from this one, and if there's ever a Karma 2.0, the problems we're having will be addressed. DJI has more experience in the drone game and they're clearly years beyond GoPro when it comes to building drones. The answer to your question at this current point in time is simple: DJI builds a better drone.
Karma is GoPro's first drone. I'm sure they've learned alot from this one, and if there's ever a Karma 2.0, the problems we're having will be addressed. DJI has more experience in the drone game and they're clearly years beyond GoPro when it comes to building drones. The answer to your question at this current point in time is simple: DJI builds a better drone.
What I'm saying is that I can't even get close to the 3000 meters as advertised
Do you have it on easy mode (early software) or in non-sport mode (current software)? If so, there's a geofence that prevents it from flying beyond a very limited range.

If you have those restraints off, your software is updated (do that no matter what as the recent update was a HUGE improvement), and you're having problems in open areas, something is wrong with your drone and you should contact GoPro immediately.

Under normal conditions, mine is fine out to a point where I can just barely see it, whether that's horizontally or vertically. Beyond that isn't super useful (to me), nor is it legal in the USA.

Good luck,

What I'm saying is that I can't even get close to the 3000 meters as advertised
At 2000 feet, this is a dot and you can't even tell the direction of the drone. Per the FAA, you are only supposed to fly line of sight, which is nowhere near 3000 meters. How far are you flying?
My Karma is very new, only had it a few weeks, but the absolute maximum distance has been 306 mters (1000 ft) but all the specs say 1000 mtrs (3250ft) and then it just runs out of connection and automatically starts returning. First time I tried it was only 265 mtrs (860 ft).
#00 mtrs isnt very far, any suggestions?
In a perfect flying environment you may achieve those distances as advertised but in the most part, 1000 meters is a good achievement. i find flights over water have better result as the water bounces the wifi signal. Same as days with low KP readings seem to help.

I've done 1200 meters (4000) feet a couple of times and then the next day in the exact same location the signal has dropped out at 500 - 600 mtrrs. There are lots of different factors that can affect the signal.
At the end of the day Karma is predominantly a camera platform and for the majority of photo or video shots, distances of between 500 - 1000 mtrs for me are easily enough to get the required, distances over that and I'm struggling to see what I'm shooting.
I agree with @deanrobi - there are many factors that determine the actual range that you'll get, and these can vary from day to day.

From my experience, the most significant cause of range limitation is WiFi signals (2.4Ghz) in the immediate area. I tend to get the longest range in remote areas far from houses/buildings. The furthest I've flown is about 1400 metres, and on average I get about 400-500 metres.

Think of the 3000m limitation as under absolutely ideal lab-like conditions. It shouldn't be an expectation. It's also impossible to see the drone at that distance, which leaves you open to big issues if you have a GPS loss.

Karma will never fly as far as a Mavic Pro as the latter uses a proprietary RF protocol for communication, whereas Karma uses 2.4Ghz WiFi. It's probably the first thing GoPro will improve in the next iteration of Karma. The specs though are a bit silly, as no one in their right mind (or within the laws of many countries) flies a drone 7km from the controller. It's a bit like PPI specs on phone screens - there comes a point where any improvement is just pointless, and comparing specs is just a dick-waving exercise.
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- there comes a point where any improvement is just pointless, and comparing specs is just a dick-waving exercise.

[emoji228] haha (Moby Dick wave)

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I agree with @deanrobi - there are many factors that determine the actual range that you'll get, and these can vary from day to day.

From my experience, the most significant cause of range limitation is WiFi signals (2.4Ghz) in the immediate area. I tend to get the longest range in remote areas far from houses/buildings. The furthest I've flown is about 1400 metres, and on average I get about 400-500 metres.

Think of the 3000m limitation as under absolutely ideal lab-like conditions. It shouldn't be an expectation. It's also impossible to see the drone at that distance, which leaves you open to big issues if you have a GPS loss.

Karma will never fly as far as a Mavic Pro as the latter uses a proprietary RF protocol for communication, whereas Karma uses 2.4Ghz WiFi. It's probably the first thing GoPro will improve in the next iteration of Karma. The specs though are a bit silly, as no one in their right mind (or within the laws of many countries) flies a drone 7km from the controller. It's a bit like PPI specs on phone screens - there comes a point where any improvement is just pointless, and comparing specs is just a dick-waving exercise.

Thanks.. and to deanrobi as well.
I wasn't aware of the 2.4Ghz wi fi thing, that explains the differences in the two varying places I noted the distance difference.
I flew over a lake this morning and still only got about 280 mtrs.
Id probably be happy with 400-600 like you guys are getting.
I saw a YouTube vid where a guy used some tinfoil thingies to almost double the distance his DJI Phantom travelled. Any one know if someone has designed anything like that for the built in antennas for the Karma? I'm thinking I might experiment with straws and tinfoil .. hahaha
It would be an interesting experiment. Let us know how you go.

You may double your distance. Or you might halve it. ;)
your not the only one let me know if yours progressively gets worse. Mine started far. Now I can't even get two feet off the ground without it losing signal. I have to grab it before it decides to take off too the aliens!! Lol. Anyone know a way to erase everything including new update and start from original firmware that's when it really got bad after update.
Being black, I can appreciate how some of you are taking lemons and making lemonade. We decided to believe that pig intestines are a delicacy and you're deciding that short range is a good thing! Hahaha! I rarely fly past 1,000 feet but it's nice to not have to worry about it when you're 300-500 feet away. When I fly either my Solo or my Karma, I'm always having to worry about it losing signal (or GPS) but with the Mavic, I can concentrate on flying and filming. The problem with Karma's range inconsistencies is that it'll be okay for a few minutes and then *pow* lost signal! Put that together with the GPS problems and it's a bad day for you! I limit my Karma to very close shots these days. I like the Hero 5 camera but I love the confidence I get with the Mavic! My next drone will be determined by whether Go Pro can make a drone as good as the Mavic or DJI can make a camera as good as the Hero 5(6) bottom line.
Now I can't even get two feet off the ground without it losing signal.

That sounds like a hardware fault. Has it crashed at any stage?

I'd be contacting GoPro to make a warranty claim.
That sounds like a hardware fault. Has it crashed at any stage?

I'd be contacting GoPro to make a warranty claim.
hey sorry for taking so long to reply been busy. No never crashed. I'm going to try it again tomorrow since awhile and see what kind of crazy shitni can get myself into with it. I'll keep us posted on my flight. Thanks for checking into panic attack flying have a great day lol
So are we just talking to each other or is someone at gopro going to respond to our lost connection concerns? Guess I'll try customer service for what it's worth.
So are we just talking to each other or is someone at gopro going to respond to our lost connection concerns? Guess I'll try customer service for what it's worth.

This isn't a GoPro forum, so they won't be monitoring (officially) or replying to us here.

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