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Sep 20, 2018
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Hello Everyone,

Happy Sunday! I'd like to share with you my story. I own a Karma with a Hero5, today I decided to fly my Karma in Huntington Beach, CA. I’m very conscious about flying anywhere due to a previous incident and flying laws. Weather was great about 5 mile winds and clear sky. After safety checks, Karma was in the air about five feet off the ground. Later on, about 10 to 15 seconds of hovering the remote said “compass interference”. After that Karma went up in the air about 20 to 30 feet, and the control didn’t respond at all. Attempt to land it without luck, everything in the control was going crazy. Joy sticks didn’t work at all. I managed to get the Karma back to the sand area by moving joysticks the opposite way, but it was going farther and farther from where I was located. I chase after the drone, about half a mile down the sand I can see the Karma was working towards the palms until it crashed. I can’t distinguish the feeling of seeing something go away and you can’t do anything about it. I consider myself lucky the drone didn’t hit or land on someones head. Later on, the whole ordeal, I found the Karma at the bottom of a palm tree where it crashed. GoPro screen cracked, two propellers broken and left rear arm is cracked. It's a frustrating situation and never wish this to anyone. I don’t want to fly this drone ever again, like I mentioned earlier, this is my second bad experience with the Karma.

Thank you,
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I DO know that feeling, except I never saw mine again. Sorry that it happened to you...TWICE!
Moving on to a DJI now?

Below is a description with pictures of my first incident with my GoPro Karma:

I am writing today because two weeks ago I purchased a GoPro Karma for my upcoming wedding in Playa del Carmen, Mexico on July 10, 2017. After reading the manual and updated the drone along with my GoPro Hero 4 Black edition, I proceeded to do a morning test flight the day of my wedding. I turn on the drone; the drone went up in the air for about 5ft. Where it started to move left towards my son and I. I attempted to turn off the drone and made it go back down to his original place, but I didn't work. After a few more try's, the drone didn't respond, and It was moving towards my fifteen-year-old son. I told my son to run out of the drones way. My first reaction was to push him out of the way and attempted to turn off the drone again. That try failed. After seeing no response from the drone, my reaction was to grab the drone by where the battery is located with my right hand to try to keep the drone from moving and passed the remote to my son and try to turn off the drone and preventing it from advancing towards someone else. In the meantime by grabbing the drone I received several cuts with the right back propeller, my reaction was to rotate my hand, and that went the right back propeller made a gash to my right hand. After all, this the to propellers broke off from the drone. At this time the remote and the drone was off but the propellers there were still running, after seeing my hand I dropped the drone, and the third propeller broke off from the drone. I received about a one-inch cut as it shows in the picture down below. The cut on my right hand is from one of the propellers. The blood started pouring out from my right hand; I moved to cover and rush to get a taxi to get medical attention. At the hospital, I received five stitches in my right hand, along with other cuts in my wrist and my left fingers. I couldn't imagine this happening on my wedding day. I had to wear a nude wristband to cover the stitches and scrapes in my right hand on the day of my wedding.

WOW mate. So sorry to hear about your incident.
Looks like the whole drone could be a write-off.
Heal quickly so you can start flying!
Congrats on the wedding, HTW!
These pictures should be added to any thread where folks talk about hand launching and/or recovery. Things happen. Simple misqu and think how close your face is to this. Eyes have it.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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