Recent content by Karma's a b***h

  1. K

    Compass interference

    Thanks Shon.
  2. K

    Compass interference

    Hi AdventureG, thanks for the reply. Yes, I have figured out the solution. I first calibrated the Accelometer. That failed the first on the first attempt; probably me, but calibrated successfully on the second attempt. After that, the compass calibrated on the first attempt. I have not had any...
  3. K

    Compass interference

    Greetings, I changed out my landing gear a couple of days ago, took it outside, powered it and the controller up, started the motors, no problem. I then took it out into the yard, where I have flown from before and promptly got a "compass interference, move to new location, or recalibrate...
  4. K

    fully deploy the landing gear

    Hi, I have that same problem. How do I perform a hard reset on the drone? Thanks
  5. K

    Sensor Error?

    I get that as well. The next time that error occures, look at the bottom left corner of the controller screen; you'll see a small "x" in a circle. Press that, it clears the error. I'm not sure what causes the error, I came here hoping to find out...